Fun Saint Bernard Facts For Kids

Akinwalere Olaleye
Feb 10, 2023 By Akinwalere Olaleye
Originally Published on Aug 05, 2021
Edited by Natalie Rayworth
Fact-checked by Shray Sharma
Saint Bernard dogs may seem intimidating but they are just very big floof-balls.

Saint Bernard is a breed of dog that is usually huge in size and in appearance. This breed has been recognized by the Saint Bernard Club of America.

They are known as working dogs that originated from Switzerland, as well as from Italy. They are known to mature mentally at a slow pace and these dogs are not suitable for people looking for an easily manageable pet.

They are messy pets and are lazy if you do not take them out for a walk or for exercise. They don’t have the habit of living in warm temperatures, and their coats start to shed a lot in warm temperatures.

Saint Bernards are very quick learners as well as intelligent and witty dogs that get along well with people. Usually, strangers get threatened by their size, but once they get friendly with the dog they love to play with them.

They need a lot of push to do exercise and are also not very active.

As they can easily reach the heights of the wardrobe, they can do a lot of damage to your house and furniture as well. They suffer from various health issues, and the owners should make sure that they take them for routine check-ups.

Saint Bernards are also known as therapy dogs and can uplift your mood. They should be given proper diet and nutrition in order to keep them healthy and fit.

Giving them food that is not good for them can have an effect on their body. The dogs need regular grooming in order to make them look tidy and clean.

Owners need to take them to get their nails trimmed, ears cleaned and their coats brushed. The dogs are also used for competitions and dog shows where they showcase their talent.

You need to train your Saint Bernard, as they are quick learners and understand your commands very quickly once you train them completely. It is always good to start training your Saint Bernard when they are puppies as they grasp the commands quickly.

To know more about other dogs, you may also look at pocket pitbull facts and lab chow mix facts.

Saint Bernard Interesting Facts

What type of animal is a Saint Bernard?

Saint Bernards are a type of dog. There are two types of Saint Bernard dogs; short-haired and long-haired.

The Saint Bernard dog breed is a very large working dog that originated from the Saint Bernard Pass in Western Alps in Italy and Switzerland. As per experts, these dogs were brought to the Saint Bernard Hospice in Swiss Alps after the year 1660.

The Saint Bernard dog breed are widely used as rescue dogs. This breed has been categorized as a working dog breed by the Canadian Kennel Club, American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, and New Zealand Kennel Club.

What class of animal does a Saint Bernard belong to?

Saint Bernards belong to the class of mammals. They usually look huge in size but are very playful and friendly in nature.

People and small kids usually get scared after looking at their size, but they are lovable and affectionate in nature. The Saint Bernard dog breed is recognized as one of the molosser breeds, and their coat can either be smooth or rough. Their tails are long and keep hanging high.

The breed is similar to that of the English mastiff. The dogs are also taken for fashion shows and different competitions.

How many Saint Bernards are there in the world?

There is no accurate number as to how many Saint Bernard breed dogs there are in the world. The number increases as the female Saint Bernard gives birth to the puppies, and the number keeps changing.

The total number of St Bernard dog breed also differs based on different factors which include their habitat, surroundings, environment, nutrition, and also health factors. They are a breed of dog that needs proper care and training in order to keep them healthy and fit.

Where does a Saint Bernard live?

Saint Bernard dogs can be seen in homes and at dog shows. They are kept as pets by people who love dogs.

The Saint Bernard dog breed needs a spacious house to stay and roam around. This dog breed need space in order to play and have fun. As they are friendly and playful in nature, it is said that they need huge space in order to run and play around with their owners and the other members of the family.

What is a Saint Bernard's habitat?

St Bernards are a large breed of domestic dogs that originated from St Bernard Pass in the Swiss Alps. Saint Bernards are large in size and were used as guard dogs, they were also used to find lost or injured people in the Alps.

The preferred habitat of a St. Bernard dog breed is a domestic setting. These rescue dogs are usually found in houses or at dog shows.

Who do Saint Bernards live with?

Saint Bernards do not prefer to live solitarily. This dog breed suffers from separation anxiety which can have adverse effects on their health.

Whenever you leave your Saint Bernard at home, make sure that you have a neighbor or a helper that can take out the dog for exercise. However, it is advisable that you should not leave this dog breed alone at home for too long as they can do a lot of damage.

How long does a Saint Bernard live?

The life span of a St. Bernard ranges between eight to ten years and varies depending on different factors such as climate change, weather conditions, surroundings, changes in the environment, and nutrition. If the dog suffers from any health issues, then the life span of St Bernard dog will be reduced by a few years.

It is important to keep this dog breed in their proper habitat and living conditions so that they do not face any health issues.

How do they reproduce?

Saint Bernards reproduce by mating with each other. The male and female Saint Bernard undertake the process of sexual mating in order to give birth to the puppies.

After mating together, the gestation period of this dog breed is approximately 63 days from conception. The female Saint Bernard then gives birth to a litter of five to six puppies at once.

What is their conservation status?

The conservation status of the Saint Bernard dog breed is Least Concern. As per the Saint Bernard Club of America, the population of this rescue dog breed keeps increasing as the female Saint Bernard gives birth to litters of new puppies frequently.

Even if the number of Saint Bernards decreases, it is due to environmental factors and weather conditions. American Kennel Club (AKC) and United Kennel Club are working towards preserving and promoting this breed of dogs.

Saint Bernard Fun Facts

What do Saint Bernards look like?

Saint Bernards are a giant dog breed that can be found in two different coats known as short hair and long hair. Saint Bernard's shorthaired coat is dense and the longhaired is wavy, but manageable.

They come in different colors which are red and white, reddish-brown splash, brownish-yellow, reddish-brown brindle, and reddish-brown mantle with shades of brandy color. The coat of Saint Bernards shed more during the spring and fall seasons.

They are happy go lucky dogs and gel well with people. Saint Bernards are large in size and are known for their extraordinary muscular body.

They mature slowly when compared to other breeds of dogs. This rescue dog breed is known to be patient, and they rarely get aggressive around strangers.

How cute are they?

Saint Bernard dog breed is super cute, but surprisingly people get scared of them because of their size and appearance. They are kind, gentle, intelligent, and good-natured dogs.

Irrespective of their size, Saint Bernards make wonderful and friendly family dogs. Saint Bernards are loving dogs who protect their family members.

Even though they look cute, they might get aggressive sometimes when they see a stranger. The puppies are very cute when they are born, and it is important to take care of them with proper grooming as you would take care of an adult Saint Bernard.

How do they communicate?

This rescue dog breed has a unique style and way of communicating with each other. Saint Bernards bark, growl, whine, yelp, and makes different sounds in order to communicate with their members and the other members of the family.

If they are hungry, they keep barking until you give them food to eat. They also try to communicate with you with the use of different gestures and body language.

This giant dog breed will also stare at you with big eyes in order to say something to you. They also try to show their teeth if you have their favorite toy or food.

How big is a Saint Bernard?

Saint Bernards are usually big when compared to other breeds of dogs. People and small kids get scared of Saint Bernards because of their size.

The male Saint Bernard dog's height range is 28-36 in (71-91 cm), and the female Saint Bernard dog's height is 24-32 in (60-81 cm).

Even some other dogs get frightened because of the size and appearance of Saint Bernard dog breed. Even though they look big and huge in size, they are very friendly and gentle dogs that families will love to keep as a pet.

How fast can a Saint Bernard run?

Saint Bernards are not fast runners because of their weight. They can run up to 15-20 mph (24-32 kmph) over short distances.

As the Saint Bernard dog breed is generally heavy in weight, it becomes difficult for them to run at a fast pace. It is important to take your Saint Bernards for daily exercise and walk, or else they become lazy and lay down at one place only.

They usually come under the category of lazy dogs, but they need daily exercise so that they don’t feel lazy and play around. Hence, it is compulsory for you to take your Saint Bernard for a walk and exercise every day.

How much does a Saint Bernard weigh?

Saint Bernards weigh around 141-264 lb (63-119 kg). This breed is one of the heaviest rescue dog breed.

They are heavy and find it difficult to walk once they start gaining weight. The owners face a great deal of challenges while handling them when they take them for a walk, as these dogs can pull the leash easily because of their weight.

Family members also suffer the same deal. The diet of this rescue dog breed should always be kept in control so that they do not gain weight because of the food that they eats.

They usually eat high quality dog food and proteins that help them to keep healthy and fit. The diet of the Saint Bernard should always be in proportion.

What are the male and female names of the species?

The males of this breed are called a dog, and the females are called a bitch.

What would you call a baby Saint Bernard?

A baby Saint Bernard is called a puppy. The babies of a Saint Bernard look very cute and adorable when they are born. Baby Saint Bernards should be taken care of properly and should be given the right protein and nutrition at the right age to help them grow fit and healthy.

What do they eat?

The diet of a Saint Bernard is different according to their size and weight. The best food that you can feed your Saint Bernard is high quality dog food, vegetables, chicken, salmon, brown rice, and different items that are included in their diet.

The owners of a Saint Bernard should make sure that they do not feed them with food that has high-fat content. Saint Bernards are fed five to six cups of high-quality foods every day in order to keep them healthy.

Are they slobbery?

Yes, Saint Bernards are slobbery. People generally have no idea and are not prepared for how much Saint Bernards slobber and drool. They slobber whenever they see their favorite food or drink water. They usually lick their favorite family member. Whenever they see something that is their favorite, they slobber a lot.

Would they make a good pet?

Yes, Saint Bernards are a good choice if you’re planning to get a pet. Saint Bernards are loving, placid dogs and are playful and friendly in terms of their temperament.

Saints quickly protect their family members whenever they see any danger. As Saint Bernards are friendly in nature, gentle and tolerant, they are good for families with well-behaved children. The well-trained Saint Bernard is a wonderful and adorable family companion and can do many fun activities with its family members, especially with the children in the family.

They are calm, relaxed, and sensible breed of dogs that have a great sense of smell. Saint Bernards are very kind-hearted and are eager to please.

They generally start responding to commands once they understand what is expected from them. Saint Bernards are family dogs and do well with children, thanks to their loving characteristics and personalities. These dogs require regular grooming of their coat and ongoing training to be able to enjoy better health and a long life.

There are chances that this mountain dog might hurt your toddlers by accidentally tripping over them. Saint Bernard rescue dog qualities make them an ideal pet. Though, you must adopt a St Bernard puppy only from a breeder approved by American Kennel Club (AKC).

Did you know...

Saint Bernards are quite a popular breed of dog and they are one of the most easily identified mountain dog breeds in the world. The first Saint Bernard dogs were bred in the 11th century, in and around a monastery in St Bernard Pass in the Swiss Alps.

Saint Bernards are named after Saint Bernard de Menthon who was known to be the patron Saint of mountaineers.

The life span of Saint Bernards is usually less when compared to that of other breeds of dogs. There is a record of one of the largest Saint Bernard that weighed around 336 lb (152 kg).

Some Saint Bernards have dark masks over their eyes. Their forehead is fairly wrinkled, and Saints also have jowls which make them prone to drooling. The friendliness of this mountain dog is likely to offset a stranger's initial fear of approaching such a huge dog. Nothing makes a Saint Bernard happier than participating in family activities.

The breed clubs of UK and America put the average life span of the Saints at around eight to ten years but various breed surveys put the life span of Saints at around 12 to 13 years.

What are Saint Bernards known for?

Saint Bernard breed dogs are popularly known for their rescue characteristics as they were used as rescue work dogs for people who were lost in the snow and avalanches around the St Bernard Pass in Swiss Alps.

Saints also have certain health problems when compared to other mountain dogs. They are prone to many health issues which include hip and elbow dysplasia which results in the abnormal growth of bones.

They may also suffer from a type of bone cancer that has an adverse impact on the dog’s leg, as well as quality of life.

Saints can also get Addison’s disease that prevents the body from producing proper hormones. If they have these diseases and suffer from health issues, then it is said that the dogs might survive only for four years.

It is necessary that you take your Saint Bernard for a frequent health check-up routine, so that they can get proper treatment and care.

Getting your own Saint Bernard

Saint Bernards are a good choice if you’re thinking of getting a pet. Saints are good family dogs as they are friendly and playful in nature.

The temperament of a Saint Bernard is absolutely like a Saint - calm and gentle. Saints are known to be patient in nature and rarely get aggressive around strangers.

The breed of Saint Bernard is costly, especially when compared to other breeds of dogs. One can get a Saint Bernard puppy in the range of 1,500 USD. The price of a Saint Bernard puppy can differ accordingly, based on how reputable the breeder is.

The quality of calmness and their patient temperament makes these dogs a perfect family pet. Therefore, it is absolutely a good choice if you are thinking of getting a Saint Bernard as a pet.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including pitbull chihuahua mix, or cheagle.

You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one of our Saint Bernard coloring pages.

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Written by Akinwalere Olaleye

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Akinwalere OlaleyeBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature

As a highly motivated, detail-oriented, and energetic individual, Olaleye's expertise lies in administrative and management operations. With extensive knowledge as an Editor and Communications Analyst, Olaleye excels in editing, writing, and media relations. Her commitment to upholding professional ethics and driving organizational growth sets her apart. She has a bachelor's degree in English Literature from the University of Benin, Edo State. 

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Fact-checked by Shray Sharma

Bachelor of Technology specializing in Computer Science Engineering

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Shray SharmaBachelor of Technology specializing in Computer Science Engineering

As an aspiring web and app developer, Shray has a passion for working with promising startups. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Maharaja Surajmal Institute Of Technology while gaining experience in digital marketing. Shray has already earned a Google Analytics Certification and is well-equipped to handle analytics and data management tasks. He has also served as a marketing manager at Parallax Virtual Arts, where he oversaw the company's social media, content, and SEO strategies. Shray's goal is to create engaging content that resonates with audiences and offers valuable insights.

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