Fun Borealosaurus Facts For Kids

Fiza Talath
Nov 29, 2022 By Fiza Talath
Originally Published on Sep 15, 2021
Here are some Borealosaurus facts that are sure to surprise you.

The Borealosaurus is a genus of Titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs. This Borealosaurus wimani originated during the Early Cretaceous period and lived until the early part of the Late Cretaceous period. These dinosaurs originated in Province China (Acta Geologica).

The Borealosaurus wimani lived in a range of plains and grasslands. They were endemic to northern China. The average Borealosaurus height was nearly 20 times larger than that of a Triceraraptor.

This dinosaur was 59 ft (18 m) tall. These dinosaurs are called Borealosaurus, which means 'lizard of the north winds'. This dinosaur possibly resembled a lizard and was found in the northern regions of China.

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Borealosaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Borealosaurus'?

The name of this dinosaur, Borealosaurus, is pronounced 'Bor-e-al-o-sore-us' which means 'lizard of the north wind'.

What type of dinosaur was a Borealosaurus?

The Borealosaurus is of the genus of Titanosaurian sauropod dinosaurs. This Borealosaurus wimani species originated during the Early Cretaceous period and lived until the early Late Cretaceous period. These dinosaurs originated in Province China (Acta Geologica).

This dinosaur was named the first Chinese dinosaur to be discovered in northern China. It was first discovered in 2004. These dinosaurs were closely related to Ncisivosaurus, Mei long, and Microraptor.

In which geological period did Borealosaurus roam the earth?

TheBorealosaurus lived in China (Acta Geologica) during the Early Cretaceous period. This period existed over 120 million years ago. It was first discovered in 2004 by Swedish paleontologist Carl Wiman who named the first Chinese dinosaur. It lived until the early Late Cretaceous period.

When did Borealosaurus become extinct?

These dinosaurs lived during the early Late Cretaceous period and became extinct over 120 million years ago.

Where did Borealosaurus live?

The Borealosaurus wimani lived in a range of plains and grasslands. They did not like living in thick dense forests. They were endemic to northern China.

What was the Borealosaurus' habitat?

The Borealosaurus wimani, which means 'the lizard of the north wind' lived in a habitat that primarily consisted of grasslands and plains. They did not like living in thick and dense forests like other dinosaurs of their genus.

These creatures were endemic to northern China and in fact, they was the first Chinese dinosaur to be discovered in northern China.

They depended on plants and seeds found in grasslands as their main source of food and nutrition. They were closely related to the Ncisivosaurus, Mei long, and Microraptor and they even shared their environment with them.

Who did Borealosaurus live with?

Like many sauropods, the Borealosaurus wimani lived in herds of dozens of individuals, in groups of their own species as well as other types of similar caudal vertebrae species. In fact, they were closely related to the Ncisivosaurus, Mei long, and Microraptor and they even shared their environment with them.

This brings us to the conclusion that these species were highly social in nature and enjoyed the company of other dinosaurs that lived in the Cretaceous period along with them.

How long did Borealosaurus live?

The Borealosaurus lived during the Early Cretaceous period, which was about 120 million years ago. No information regarding how long these animals lived is available to us yet. But similar to other caudal vertebrae species, they might have lived for a good few million years before becoming extinct.

How did they reproduce?

The exact reproduction process of this lizard (whose name means 'the lizard of the north wind') is not known to us. But this dinosaur was an egg-laying species.

They laid an average of 20 eggs. A new study has discovered over 70 species that were capable of nesting at very high altitudes but these creatures were incapable of climbing due to their body shape.

Borealosaurus Fun Facts

What did Borealosaurus look like?

The Borealosaurus, also known as 'the lizard of the north wind', was a member of the sauropod family of dinosaurs. This dinosaur was small compared to sauropods like the Brachiosaurus and the Argentinosaurus but was still one of the largest dinosaurs that ever lived and walked on the earth.

Standing about 59 ft (18 m) tall at the hips and weighing nearly 22,046.2 lb (10,000 kg), these were magnificent dinosaurs known for their long caudal vertebrae. They were capable of crashing through vegetation and it would take a lot to stop them.

If you were to get in the way, you'd be sure to be crushed to pieces. The body shape of this species was almost a horizontal shape.

*We've been unable to source an image of Borealosaurus and have used an image of Brontosaurus instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Borealosaurus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

How many bones did a Borealosaurus have?

The exact number of bones that the Borealosaurus had is unknown to us as this was a rare species. However similar species like the Apatosaurus sacrum was made of three bones, while the Brontosaurus had five.

How did they communicate?

These dinosaurs may have used loud sounds and visual forms of communication. As per paleogeographic information, the exact mode of communication that took place between these dinosaurs is not yet known to man.

But it is assumed that they might have used their voices and body language. Paleontologists still need to explore the exact mode of communication used by these dinosaurs.

How big was Borealosaurus?

The average Borealosaurus height was nearly 20 times larger than that of a Triceraraptor. This dinosaur was 59 ft (18 m) tall.

How fast could a Borealosaurus move?

Most large and gigantic dinosaurs were considered to be slow movers primarily due to their weight and flat feet. These species too were very slow movers because of their long necks and large bodies. However, paleontologists still need to explore the exact speed and movement pattern of these animals.

How much did a Borealosaurus weigh?

The average Borealosaurus weight was 22,046.2 lb (10,000 kg).

What were the male and female names of the species?

No specific names were given to the male and female species of these animals.

What would you call a baby Borealosaurus?

Dinosaurs are hatched from eggs, therefore new baby dinosaurs can be called hatchlings.

What did they eat?

The diet of the Borealosaurus wimani primarily consisted of plants and seeds. These animals were harmless vegetarians who could not chew their food which is why they often had to survive on stones that they used to grind down the food in their stomachs.

How aggressive were they?

These animals were non-aggressive animals and they can be described as gentle giants unlike many other members of the Saltasauridae family. These animals are herbivorous and did not harm any other species of dinosaurs.

Did you know...

The Borealosaurus wimani might have spent most of their time in the water because these dinosaurs' bodies were so massive. It is possible that they wouldn't have been able to support their own body weight if they lived on land.

Why are they called Borealosaurus?

These dinosaurs are called Borealosaurus, a name which means 'lizard of the north winds'. This dinosaur possibly resembled a lizard and was found in the northern regions of China.

How many specimens of Borealosaurus were discovered?

Scientists conclude that three known species of Borealsaurus existed: Borealsaurus excelsus, the first discovered, as well as Borealsaurus parvus and Borealsaurus yahnahpin. However, several more species may be yet to be discovered and paleontologists still need to explore this species further.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other dinosaurs from our Qijianglong fun facts and Puertasaurus facts for kids pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable  Borealosaurus coloring pages.

*We've been unable to source an image of Borealosaurus and have used an image of Brontosaurus instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Borealosaurus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

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Written by Fiza Talath

Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance

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Fiza TalathBachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance

As an assistant financial accountant, Fiza has developed a strong understanding of the business world. Her Bachelor of Commerce degree, specializing in Accounting and Finance from St Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous), enhances her ability to cover a wide range of topics, including finance, accounting, and business. Fiza's writing skills allow her to communicate complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. She is also passionate about animal welfare, and enjoys writing on this subject as well.

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