29 Surprising Kitchen Facts That You Probably Didn't Know About

Tanya Parkhi
Mar 02, 2023 By Tanya Parkhi
Originally Published on Mar 02, 2023
Fact-checked by Deepali Singhal
Rustic and cozy kitchen interior

The kitchen is undoubtedly one of the most important rooms in the house.

But how did people cook their food before modern kitchens came into use? Was the kitchen always a part of the main house as it is today?

We've got the answers to these questions and much more right up ahead- read up for some interesting kitchen facts that you probably didn't know before.

History of Kitchens

The kitchen was strategically placed near the bathing area in ancient times, particularly in Greece, so that the bathwater could be naturally heated by the heat produced during cooking. It was also proven that only the wealthy could afford to do this, whereas those who couldn't afford such luxuries made do with cooking in the open.

  • People usually roasted and cooked meat, vegetables, and bread directly on an open flame, before the first metal cauldrons were developed during the middle ages.
  • Slow cooking allowed people to cook a variety of dishes like stews and curries and made cooking a safer activity. Using new cooking utensils, people could now concentrate on making their food tastier and letting it cook on its own rather than having to deal with the ash and soot emanating from open fires.
  • The invention of cooking utensils also led to the evolution of ingredients, as people could now cook in different ways, like grilling, baking, and boiling, rather than just roasting whole ingredients over an open flame.
  • However, cooking was still a messy experience because of the smoke and ash emissions, which made cooking inside a seemingly impossible task.
  • This issue was solved by the Romans, who added chimney-like brick tubes to the cooking apparatus to divert the soot and smoke away from the kitchen, which made the space more airy and cozy.
  • A similar method was reportedly used in England in 1185 as well. The 16th century saw a rise in the global use of this technology. This, in turn, brought along a change in the kitchen design itself as space. Though it was still considered a separate part of the house, it was now not only a place to prepare food but also an area where families could sit and enjoy their food together.
  • Kitchens only became a full-fledged room of the house when gas stoves were developed, which eliminated the need for wood-fired ovens entirely.
  • Kitchens could be built to be more compact and could now be located in any area of the house, as cooking was now a completely mess-free activity.
  • Later additions to the kitchen include sinks for washing cooking utensils and crockery and refrigerators for storing perishable ingredients.

Types of Kitchens

There are usually two types of kitchens- household kitchens, which we can find in our own homes, and commercial kitchens, which are much larger and are used to prepare larger quantities of food for restaurants, airlines, institutions, etc.

  • Household kitchens are much smaller, and one can find basic cooking amenities like a gas or electric stove, a refrigerator to store perishable items in, running water, a sink for washing up, and shelves and cabinets to store ingredients and utensils.
  • Many kitchens also include appliances for various other functions, like a microwave (for reheating food), oven (for baking), mixer, sandwich grill, air fryer, etc.
  • On the other hand, commercial kitchens can be huge- much larger than your home kitchen! These kitchens are built to cater to the needs of dozens or even hundreds of people at once.
  • Unlike in our own kitchens, where we prepare a limited amount of food for the same number of people every day, these kitchens are used and equipped for continuous use.
  • Chefs must prepare large amounts of food in advance, depending on the set menu for the day. Once the restaurant or canteen is open for business, the cooks finish these dishes to order.
  • The equipment in commercial kitchens can depend on its purpose. A lot of money is invested in machines that can handle, store and prepare food in bulk.
  • Kitchens in 5-star hotels also spend a lot of money on fancy machines and equipment to make complex dishes that usually cannot be prepared at home in a normal kitchen.

Importance & Use Of A Kitchen

To eat is one of the necessities of life.

  • Kitchens serve as a place to cook food, experiment with different dishes, store ingredients, and gather and eat as a family.
  • Though kitchens were originally used only as a place to cook, they have evolved over the years to become a beloved area of the house where people could share the experience of making and eating food together.

Some Fun Kitchen Hacks and Facts

  • If you love cooking and can be found spending all of your free time in the kitchen, then here are some fun tips and tricks that may help you out-
  • If you are baking a dish and notice that it is starting to burn at the top, simply cover it with foil and place it on a lower rack to ensure that it fully cooks through.
  • If the blades of your garbage disposal system are starting to dull, simply pop in a few ice cubes and press start- the blades will sharpen right up.
  • Find yourself shedding tears whenever cutting onions? Place your onions in the freezer before cutting- it prevents the tear-inducing juices from going airborne.
  • When cooking with oil on the stove, sprinkle a tiny bit of flour or salt into the pan to prevent oil from splattering everywhere.
  • If your rice clumps up on cooking, a few drops of lemon juice will help to separate the grains and give you loos,e fluffy rice.
  • This tip is for all the cookie lovers out there- you can prepare and freeze uncooked cookie dough for up to nine months! Simply cut and place in the oven for quick and hassle-free cookies.
  • Placing meat in the fridge before cutting it up can help you get those perfect slices.

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Written by Tanya Parkhi

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

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Tanya ParkhiBachelor of Arts specializing in Economics

Tanya is a skilled content creator with a passion for writing and a love for exploring new cultures. With a degree in Economics from Fergusson College, Pune, India, Tanya worked on her writing skills by contributing to various editorials and publications. She has experience writing blogs, articles, and essays, covering a range of topics. Tanya's writing reflects her interest in travel and exploring local traditions. Her articles showcase her ability to engage readers and keep them interested.

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Fact-checked by Deepali Singhal

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Master of Arts specializing in English Literature

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Deepali SinghalBachelor of Arts specializing in English Literature, Master of Arts specializing in English Literature

With experience spanning multiple continents, Deepali is a skilled content strategist and editor. She holds a Master's in English Literature from London's Metropolitan University and has worked for prestigious companies such as the Springer Nature Group and Oxford University Press. Deepali has also contributed to further education sites across the United States. Her focus now lies in children's entertainment and education, and she is dedicated to making learning an enjoyable experience.

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