All About Herbs: Must Know Facts About Herbal Supplements

Sakshi Thakur
Jan 06, 2023 By Sakshi Thakur
Originally Published on Dec 07, 2021
Edited by Monisha Kochhar
Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath
Almost all natural herbs have medicinal values.

We, humans, have used many herbs in our food since civilization began.

Now also there is a trend to use herbs for complementary and integrative health purposes. We use them directly or as dietary supplements.

There are so many different herbal medicines being used by alternative medicines or Ayurveda. the herbal medicine most commonly used is for treating high blood pressure all over the world. A dietary supplement that is used by people of all ages even kids is in the form of whole food vitamins.

Even the national library has many books on how to use herbs for complementary and integrative health. When we use herbs our body cleanses from within on its own. They can be used safely with other medications like protein powders. Blood typing is not needed before the use of herbs, they are safe for all.

We must acknowledge that herbal supplements are not drugs. There are many medical conditions that can be cured effectively with the use of herbs. Such as in arthritis, the effectiveness is noted for the prevention of pain and injury if used regularly.

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Classification Of Herbs

Natural herbs are plants that have medicinal values. Herbal supplements are also called botanical supplements. There is no risk with using these herb-based supplements.

Aromatic Herbs (volatile oil): They have a pleasant odor. Used extensively therapeutically and for flavorings as well as perfumes.

Stimulant herbs are known to increase the energy level in patients. The body as a whole or its organs become active. The treatment of medical conditions pertaining to digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems can be done using plant parts of fennel, ginger, garlic, lemongrass.

Nervine herbs are used to soothe the nervous system. They also affect the other organs like the respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems. These are used in form of teas, basically effective in the prevention of a health issue.

Astringent Herbs (tannins): They have the ability to precipitate proteins. this means they can tighten or tone living tissue. As a result, all sorts of discharge are halted. These too can be used for digestive, urinary, and circulatory systems.

But you must be careful as they can toxicate the liver. They have analgesic, antiseptic, emmenagogue, homostatic, antiabortion, astringent, and styptic properties. Botanicals like peppermint and red raspberry.

Bitter Herbs: These botanicals have naturally occurring phenols and phenolic glycosides, along with alkaloids, or saponins. They are used in medicines or supplements as laxatives and diuretics.

These are effective medicines for treatments such as alterative, anticatarrhal, purgative, heptatonic, antipyretic, cholagogue, sialagogue, vermifuge, and blood purifier. The plants used are aloe, cascara, licorice, yellow dock, yucca, barberry, pumpkin, senna, gentian, safflowers, and goldenseal. The effectivity shall change according to blood typing.

Diuretic herbs lead to the removal of extra fluid from the body. This is removed via the urinary system. Cleansing the vascular system, kidneys, and liver.

Saponin-containing herbshave theability to produce foaming with water. They basically work by emulsifying soluble fat molecules within the digestive tract. They also enhance the ability of the body to absorb all active compounds.

Mucilaginous Herbs: Containpolysaccharides. These are slippery and possess a mild sweet taste in water. These plants are not broken down or digested by humans. so it can be used to absorb toxins and remove them in the form of stool. body cleanses with these.

Nutritive Herbs: When used as dietary supplementsthey add protein, carbohydrates, and fats to the food. Whole food vitamins and herbal supplements improve the integrative health of a person.

Herbs Vs. Plants

Herbs are also plants. Their use enhances integrative health.

We can differentiate herbs from other plants as they have a soft stem and are generally small plants in size. They are used in small proportions also with other items. These are at times used as dietary supplements but not food alone.

Herbs are safe and can be used by all men and women. They are commonly used to relieve headaches and prevent illnesses due to aging. They can be used directly or as supplements.

Common Herbs Used As Herbal Supplements

There are many types of herbs are used in our food.

Some of the common herbs are listed below.

Chamomile is a flower used for relaxation, reducing inflammation, skin irritation-related problems. Echinacea treats colds, flu, and infections. It even heals a wound. It can be confirmed by thermal imaging. Feverfew treats fevers. Also, prevents migraines and arthritis.

Garlic has antimicrobial, anticancer, cardioprotective, and anti-inflammatory effects on patients. It also lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Ginger eases nausea and motion sickness. it has also been used as an anticancer agent. It is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidative effects.

Herbs That You Should Eat Every Day

We use various herbs in our food daily knowing or unknowingly.

Herbs are safe for everyone when used in moderation. Ginger is not a herb, though it is used in many herbal medicines. It is actually a very useful spice. Basil is often regarded as the king of herbs.

The close relative tulsi is called the queen of herbs. In fact, there are seven sacred herbs used by healers. These are clover, mistletoe, monkshood, henbane, pasqueflower, vervain, and primrose.

Those herbs that you must include in a small amount in your food daily are ginger and basil. They help your digestion and also keep you energized. Use supplements if you like. Herbs are different from protein powders. The herbs do not interfere with any treatment not even thermal imaging.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly factsfor everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for facts all about herbs then why not take a look at our Argentina map for kids or Honduras major industries facts.

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Written by Sakshi Thakur

Bachelor of Science

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Sakshi ThakurBachelor of Science

Sakshi is a skilled content writer with extensive experience in the education industry. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for helping others, she has developed a reputation for excellence in academic content writing. She has worked with esteemed professionals such as Mr. Kapil Raj, a professor of History of Science at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, further enhancing her knowledge and expertise. Sakshi is well-versed in the latest developments in e-learning and has a deep understanding of how to engage students and make learning fun and accessible. In her spare time, she indulges in her creative passions, including painting, embroidery, and listening to soft music. She also enjoys exploring new cultures and traveling, which helps her broaden her perspectives and inspire her writing. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Science from Panjab University.

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Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

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Pratiti NathBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

A Master's in Biotechnology from Presidency University and a Bachelor's in Microbiology from Calcutta University. Pratiti holds expertise in writing science and healthcare articles, and their inputs and feedback help writers create insightful content. They have interests in heritage, history, and climate change issues and have written articles for various websites across multiple subjects. Their experience also includes working with eco-friendly startups and climate-related NGOs.

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