31 Graduation Facts That Can Really Educate You, Must Read

Abhijeet Modi
Oct 12, 2023 By Abhijeet Modi
Originally Published on Mar 15, 2022
Discover these graduation facts to understand the evolution of graduation ceremonies including the flinging of the caps.

Graduation refers to the awarding of an academic degree and the ceremony that is occasionally held in conjunction with it.

Graduation day refers to the day of the graduation ceremony. Graduation ceremonies are sometimes known as commencement, convocation, or invocation.

The ceremony and name are usually associated with universities and college degrees (Associate's, Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral). Even if graduates can physically get their diploma later at a smaller college or departmental ceremony, the presiding officer or another authorized person publicly confers degrees to graduates at the college and university level, either individually or en masse.

A parade of academic staff and candidates and a valediction are standard features of graduation ceremonies of any university or high school. Academic staff and degree students, as well as trustees (if relevant), will typically wear academic attire at the ceremony. Graduates can be identified by their graduation year.

Graduation ceremonies in Zimbabwe are often connected with a guest of honor, who is usually the ceremonial leader of the high school, college, or university. The president of Zimbabwe serves as chancellor and honorary guest of honor at state college.

Every graduate of a Zimbabwean public institution can claim to have shaken President Robert Mugabe's hand. Zimbabwe's late ex-President Robert Mugabe is the person most connected with graduating from those college(s). Vice Presidents or other senior government officials may preside over other state colleges of higher education.

History Of A Graduation System

Graduation ceremonies extended back to the earliest universities in Europe in the 12th century. Let us examine the history of the graduation system through these graduation facts.

Latin was the language of academics at the time. Universitas was a guild of masters (such as MAs) who were granted education privileges.

The words 'degree' and 'graduate' stem from the Latin word gradus, which means 'step'.

Admission to a bachelor's degree program in a college was the first step.

A Master's degree from the college was the next stage, which granted the graduate access to college and an education license.

The graduation costume of these graduates often consists of a gown and hood, or caps, borrowed from the everyday uniform of college employees in the Middle Ages, which was based on medieval clerical garb.

In Sweden, donning graduation caps has been a custom since the mid-18th century.

A white sailor cap along with a dark blue or black band around it, a crown pattern, and a black peak at the front is the usual cap for graduates.

Students at Uppsala College were the first to embrace the graduation hat custom.

Following this, the headgear gained popularity in a number of other European countries.

Graduation Traditions

Every nation has its own set of graduation customs, particularly when it comes to the ceremony. Graduates can participate in entertaining rituals and wear unique wardrobe items. Let us take a look at some of these traditions and customs followed around the world.

They can connect with their classmates and take pleasure in their school's distinctive culture, whether a medical graduate in Russia or a high school graduate in Japan.

In general, there are few graduation rituals in the Chinese educational system.

Graduate students are free to celebrate in whatever way they wish.

Graduation is more about spending time with former classmates and friends than it is about bringing parents and distant relatives to a formal ceremony.

It is no longer considered necessary to wear a formal hat and gown. Surprisingly, many female graduates attend the event dressed in bridal gowns.

Graduate students in Scandinavian countries wear sailor hats.

The ritual begins with them performing songs with their peers. Parents then arrive at the ceremony with huge placards depicting humiliating childhood images.

Parents offer their children beautiful presents that are wrapped with ribbons and hung around their necks.

Finally, kids take part in a procession that takes place around the city.

There are floats and music, and the residents of the town turn up to express their support for their diploma-earning students.

Graduation Around The World

Graduation is celebrated in various ways all across the world. In fact, this tradition varies even within a country. Graduation in absentia occurs when a student graduates from his college, university, or high school without attending the graduation ceremony. Read some fascinating graduation facts.

In the United States of America (non-tertiary graduations), completing mandated education is frequently referred to as graduating, despite the fact that a high school graduate degree is much below the level of a bachelor's graduate degree.

Graduation ceremonies for high school, middle school, kindergarten, and even transitioning from one school year to the next, have become more common in recent years.

This has been criticized, with some calling it 'simply a means of glorifying mediocrity'.

Graduation parties are common in various areas to celebrate the completion of high school, college, or university.

According to a countrywide poll conducted in 2014 in the United States, the average amount spent on graduation celebrations was $985.

Academic graduation ceremonies follow many a tradition and customs across the globe.

In the United Kingdom, graduations usually are only held at the college level.

Graduations are also held at high schools in the United States of America and many other nations where no higher education credentials are bestowed on graduates.

Students wear traditional academic attire to a graduation ceremony, such as square academic hats and gowns that are customarily worn on such occasions.

Graduation tradition varies from college to college, reflecting various cultures.

Most public institutions in Sweden, for example, are research-oriented and may provide bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees in various academic fields to their students. The Higher Education Ordinance governs colleges all around the nation. Swedish, English, Math, and Science are among the college degree courses offered by a majority of national education programs.


Why is graduation so important?

Graduation is important because, during the ceremony, high school students are enjoying the culmination of more than a decade of working hard, while college students are nearing the end of the most arduous academic and intellectual labor of their life. They are celebrating their future.

What does graduation symbolize?

Graduation of students symbolizes their hard work and determination. The graduation cap is a sign of authority and intellect. When the tassel is moved from the left to the right, it becomes more significant, as it denotes the student's formal graduation status and a step towards their future.

What should you wear to college graduation?

Students should wear long black coats and hats to their graduation ceremony.

What is the average graduation rate in America?

The average graduation rates of US institutions are at about 54.88% for the school year of 2019-2020. The average transfer-out rate is 18.64% for full-time students, and the average retention rate is 60.63% for full-time students and 26.49% for part-time students.

The national graduation rates are now at an all-time high of 85.3% as of 2021. Graduation rates rose in 52% of states.

On-time graduation was achieved by 79% of black students, 81% of Hispanic students, and 89.7% of Caucasian students. Graduation rates for black students have climbed by 12%, but they are still 6.3 points behind the national average graduation rates.

What are some traditions associated with graduation?

Some traditions followed by education institutions during their graduation are wearing long black coats and hats.

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Written by Abhijeet Modi

Master of Computer Science

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Abhijeet ModiMaster of Computer Science

An experienced and innovative entrepreneur and creative writer, Abhijeet holds a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Computer Application from Birla Institute of Technology, Jaipur. He co-founded an e-commerce website while developing his skills in content writing, making him an expert in creating blog posts, website content, product descriptions, landing pages, and editing articles. Passionate about pushing his limits, Abhijeet brings both technical expertise and creative flair to his work.

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