81 'Havamal' Quotes From The Epic Viking Poem

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Mar 12, 2021
'Havamal' quotes about obstacles are sure to inspire you to overcome all your difficulties in life

'Havamal' is an Old Norse poem, which can be traced back to the 13th century.

'Havamal' consists of several smaller poems and its verses are attributed to Odin, which are referred to as the sayings of the High One. It is regarded as one of the most important sources of Old Norse philosophy, from the old age to now.

In this post, we'll take you through a wide variety of quotes from the sayings of the High One. So if you're interested in Old Norse mythology and philosophy, read on for the 'Havamal' quotes, plus 'Havamal' quotes when the demons come.

From the most popular 'Havamal' quotes to 'Havamal' quotes about battle that never fail to inspire, we'll go through it all here. For more interesting quotes articles right here on Kidadl, check out Viking quotes and warrior princess quotes.

Inspirational Quotes

We'll get this quotes article started with some of the most inspirational quotes from 'Havamal'. These powerful quotes from the 'Havamal' are ideal for giving yourself or someone else courage and strength. Look out for 'Havamal' quotes on lying, 'Havamal' quotes about the home and 'Havamal' quotes about finding happiness.

1."Where you recognize evil, speak out against it, and give no truces to your enemies."

- 'Havamal'.

2."The foolish man thinks he will live forever if he keeps away from fighting; but old age won't grant him a truce, even if the spears do."

- 'Havamal'.

3."A farm of your own is better, even if small. Everyone's someone at home."

- 'Havamal'.

4."Cattle die, kinsmen die; the self must also die. I know one thing which never dies; the reputation of each dead man."

- 'Havamal'.

5. "He is truly wise who's travelled far and knows the ways of the world."

- 'Havamal'.

6."It is better to live than lie dead."

- 'Havamal'.

7. "Wealth dies. Friends die. One day you too will die. But, the thing that never dies is the judgement on how you have spent your life."

- 'Havamal'.

8."Never walk away from home ahead of your axe and sword. You can't feel a battle in your bones or foresee a fight."

- 'Havamal'.

9."A clear head is good company. Drink is a dangerous friend."

- 'Havamal'.

10."It is fortunate to be favored with praise and popularity. It is dire luck to be dependent on the feelings of a fellow man."

- 'Havamal'.

11."Advice given by others is often ill counsel."

- 'Havamal'.

12."It happens often enough that beauty ensnares with desire the wise while the foolish remain unmoved."

- 'Havamal'.

13."A man should know how many logs, stubs and strips of bark to collect in the summer to keep in stock wood for his winter fires."

- 'Havamal'.

14. "From his weapons on the open road, no man should step one pace away."

- 'Havamal'.

15."The cautious guest who comes to the table speaks sparingly, listens with ears, learns with eyes. Such is the seeker of knowledge."

- 'Havamal'.

16."Go you must. No guest shall stay in one place forever. Love will be lost if you sit too long at a friend's fire."

- 'Havamal'.

17."The traveler must train his wits. All is easy at home. He who knows little is a laughing stock amongst men of the world."

- 'Havamal'.

18."Courteous words, then courteous silence. That he may tell his tale."

- 'Havamal'.

19. "Sorrow eats the heart if you cannot tell someone your whole mind."

- 'Havamal'.

20."If aware that another is wicked, say so: make no truce or treaty with foes."

- 'Havamal'.

21."Let none put faith in the first sown fruit nor yet in his son too soon; whim rules the child, and weather the field, each is open to chance."

- 'Havamal'.

22."All the doorways, before one enters, should be looked around, should be spied out; it can't be known for certain where enemies are sitting in the hall ahead."

- 'Havamal'.

23. "About his intelligence no man should be boastful, rather cautious of mind."

- 'Havamal'.

24."Affection is mutual when men can open all their heart to each other: He whose words are always fair is untrue and not to be trusted."

- 'Havamal'.

25."Wherever you know of harm, regard that harm as your own; and give your foes no peace."

- 'Havamal'.

26. "The unwise man is awake all night, and ponders everything over; when morning comes he is weary in mind, and all is a burden as ever."

- 'Havamal'.

27."Speak useful words or be silent."

- 'Havamal'.

28."Draped in linen, they looked well born but, naked I was a nobody."

- 'Havamal'.

29."I was once young, I was traveling alone and lost my way; I thought myself rich when I met another: Man is the joy of man."

- 'Havamal'.

30."Even three words of quarreling you shouldn't have with an inferior."

- 'Havamal'.

31."Much nonsense a man utters who talks without tiring."

- 'Havamal'.

32."Ones may know your secret is you and your secret, never a second. If three, a thousand will know."

- 'Havamal'.

33."Wake early if you want another man's life or land. No lamb for the lazy wolf. No battle's won in bed."

- 'Havamal'.

34."Fire is needed by the newcomer whose knees are frozen numb; meat and clean linen a man needs who has fared across the fells."

- 'Havamal'.

35."Blessed is he who in his own lifetime is awarded praise and wit, for ill counsel is often given by mortal men to each other."

- 'Havamal'.

36."Better gear than good sense a traveler cannot carry, better than riches for a wretched man, far from his own home."

- 'Havamal'.

37."Better gear than good sense a traveler cannot carry, a more tedious burden than too much drink a traveler cannot carry."

- 'Havamal'.

38."Less good than belief would have it is mead for the sons of men."

- 'Havamal'.

39. "Best is the banquet one looks back on after, and remembers all that happened."

- 'Havamal'.

40."It befits a man to be merry and glad until the day of his death."

- 'Havamal'.

41."When he meets friends, the fool gapes, is shy and sheepish at first, then he sips his mead and immediately all knows what an oaf he is."

- 'Havamal'.

42. "Rash is he who at unknown doors relies on his good luck."

- 'Havamal'.

43."Evil counsel is often given by those of evil heart."

- 'Havamal'.

44. "Be wary of the man who urges an action in which he himself incurs no risk."

- 'Havamal'.

45."Cut wood on a windy day, row to sea in fine weather, murmur to friends in the darkness."

- 'Havamal'.

46."All guests should speak good of their host, or not speak at all."

- 'Havamal'.

47. "Enjoy the good you are given."

- 'Havamal'.

Quotes About Living

The 'Havamal' also consists of several verses that talk about why it is necessary to practice certain things to live a quality life. We'll check out some quotes from those verses in this section.

48."Drink your mead, but in moderation."

- 'Havamal'.

49. "No man is called discourteous who goes to bed at an early hour."

- 'Havamal'.

50. "A gluttonous man who guzzles away brings sorrow on himself."

- 'Havamal'.

51. "The herd knows its homing time, and leaves the grazing ground: But the glutton never knows how much his belly is able to hold."

- 'Havamal'.

52."An ill tempered, unhappy man ridicules all he hears, makes fun of others, refusing always to see the faults in himself."

- 'Havamal'.

53."The fool thinks that those who laugh at him are all his friends, unaware when he sits with wiser men how ill they speak of him."

- 'Havamal'.

54. "To ask well, to answer rightly, are the marks of a wise man."

- 'Havamal'.

55."A glib tongue that goes on chattering sings to its own harm."

- 'Havamal'.

56."Moderate at council should a man be, not brutal and over bearing."

- 'Havamal'.

57."These things are thought the best: Fire, the sight of the sun, Good health with the gift to keep it, And a life that avoids vice."

- 'Havamal'.

58."Wealth may vanish in the wink of an eye, Gold is the falsest of friends."

- 'Havamal'.

59."For these things give thanks at nightfall: The day gone, a guttered torch, a sword tested, the troth of a maid, ice crossed, ale drunk."

- 'Havamal'.

60."Let a man with his guests be glad and merry, modest a man should be."

- 'Havamal'.

61."Always rise to an early meal, but eat your fill before a feast. If you're hungry you have no time to talk at the table."

- 'Havamal'.

Friendship Quotes

The theme of friendship is an important part of the 'Havamal', and in this section, we'll take through the most iconic 'Havamal' quotes on friendship.

62."To a false friend the footpath winds though his house be on the highway. To a true friend there is a short cut, though he live a long way off."

- 'Havamal'.

63."With presents friends should please each other, with a shield or costly coat: Mutual giving makes for friendship so long as life goes well."

- 'Havamal'.

64."A man should be loyal through life to friends and return gift for gift."

- 'Havamal'.

65."If you find a friend whom you trust well and wish for his goodwill, exchange thoughts, exchange gifts, go to him often"

- 'Havamal'.

66."Hotter than fire among false hearts burns friendships for five days, but suddenly slackens when the sixth dawns: Feeble their friendship then."

- 'Havamal'.

67."With your true friend never be the first to make a breach."

- 'Havamal'.

Quotes About Love And Women

'Havamal' quotes for women and love talk about the nature of relationships. These 'Havamal' love quotes are sure to get you thinking about what love means.

68."Men are treacherous too."

- 'Havamal'.

69."To love a woman whose ways are false is like sledding over slippery ice with unshod horses out of control."

- 'Havamal'.

70."Fairest we speak when falsest we think; many a maid is deceived."

- 'Havamal'.

71. "Praise the features of the fair girl, who courts well will conquer."

- 'Havamal'.

72."Gallantly shall he speak and gifts bring who wishes for woman's love."

- 'Havamal'.

73."Strong desire may stupefy heroes, dull the wits of the wise."

- 'Havamal'.

74."The mind alone knows what is near the heart, each is his own judge."

- 'Havamal'.

75."The worst sickness for a wise man is to crave what he cannot enjoy."

- 'Havamal'.

76."Lovely was the flesh of that fair girl, but nothing I hoped for happened."

- 'Havamal'.

77."I saw on a bed Billing's daughter, sun white and asleep: No greater delight I longed for then than to lie in her lovely arms."

- 'Havamal'.

78."Come Odhinn, after nightfall if you wish for a meeting with me: All would be lost if anyone saw us and learned that we were lovers."

- 'Havamal'.

79."I thought my wooing had won the maid, that I would have my way."

- 'Havamal'.

80."Many a girl when one gets to know her proves to be fickle and false."

- 'Havamal'.

81."The treacherous maiden taught me a lesson, the crafty woman covered me with shame; that was all I got from her."

- 'Havamal'.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for 'Havamal' quotes, then why not take a look at warrior quotes or cold quotes.

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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