All aboard the laughter express! It's time to dive into a collection of the very best firefighter jokes and puns that are so hot, they're lit!
These knee-slappers aren't just sure to ignite bouts of laughter, they also serve as fantastic ice-breakers for any gathering. This is no false alarm - we've brought together a sizzling compilation that will fan the flames of fun and have you roaring with laughter in no time!
Humor is one of the best tools we have to brighten someone's day or simply add a dash of fun to our lives. Be it making fun of anything in the form of jokes, always remember to use jokes for a positive reason.
Let's spark up the fun and blaze a trail through this sizzling array of jokes.
Don't forget to share these fiery one-liners and puns to kindle the spirit of joy and laughter among friends and family. Get ready, because this humor-filled journey is about to set your funny bone alight!
Funny Firefighter Jokes

Get ready to ignite your sense of humor with a flaming hot collection of funny firefighter jokes. These jokes aren't just giggle-inducing, they're a surefire way to light up any conversation.
So buckle up and prepare to be set ablaze with laughter as you dive into this smoky array of funny firefighter jokes. With each joke hotter than the last, this fiery compilation promises to keep the fun burning bright!
1. Why do they weigh firefighters every day? So that they know what weight class they should be in.
2. What is the one thing that firefighters save during a fire? They always save the foundation.
3. What were the two sons of the firefighter named? They were named José and HoseB.
4. What sound do you hear when dragons sneeze? A fire alarm.
5. Why did the fireman wear suspenders? To hold up his trousers.
6. How are firefighters and cops similar to each other? Both aspire to be fire-fighters.
7. How many firemen does it take to change a light bulb? You will need five of them to change a light bulb. One to change it while the others will cut a hole in the roof and hold the ladder!
8. What web browser do firefighters use? Mozilla Firefox.
9. How do you reach the fire department? "Step 1, Step 2, Step 3…"
10. What direction does an elevator move in when it’s on fire? It goes up in flames!
11. What would happen if the fire chief and a newbie jumped out of the house on fire one day? The chief would land first because the newbie would stop and ask others for directions.
12. Why was the man who worked in a hydrant plant always late for his work? Because one cannot park near the place.
13. What did the man say when the firefighter asked him how to reach his house that was on fire? He asked them to come to him in the fire truck.
14. What is the type of award that one should give a firefighter? He should be given an extinguished one.
15. Why do firefighters in Greece make every fire worse? Because they are not supposed to be using water on Greece fires!
16. What’s on every fire department menu? Five-Alarm Chili.
17. Why was the man arrested for pulling out five men from the burning building? This was because he had pulled out all the firefighters.
18. Why do firefighters like the summer? Because they are used to the heat.
19. Why does a firefighter love eating tamales? This is because they are served hot.
20. Do firefighters have to train to jump higher than a fire hydrant? No, because fire hydrants can’t jump.
21. Why did the moth become a firefighter? Because it liked things that were alight!
22. Why do volunteer firefighters understand the importance of milliseconds? Because that is the amount of time it takes before one of them tells someone that he/she is a volunteer firefighter.
23. When are firefighters best at getting out of the fire station quickly? In the middle of the night, when they are fast asleep.
24. What is the name of the firefighter who is also a famous soccer coach? His name is Hose Mourinho.
25. Why was the firefighter wearing blue suspenders? Because the red ones were still in the wash.
27. What happens if a firefighter throws too many housewarming parties? The police book them for arson!
28. Which superhero was the fire department always trying to recruit? Aquaman.
29. Why was the fireman depressed and sad? Because he had met an old flame that day.
30. Why did the rookie fireman bring a credit card on his first day? He was told he would have to charge a hose.
Awesome Puns Related To Firefighters
Get ready to dive into our next list of firefighter-themed puns. These puns aren't just giggle-inducing, they can also be great conversation starters at parties or get-togethers. So, why wait?
Let's turn up the heat and dive straight into this assortment of silly firefighter puns. They're guaranteed to ignite bursts of laughter and keep the flames of fun burning. Enjoy this pun-filled adventure!
31. What did the firefighter say when his two sons had set fire to a building? He said, "These boys are not arson anymore!"
32. The firefighter took part in the game show and reached the final. He was comfortable playing the game because he was in the hot seat.
33. If you ask any firefighter what kind of crackers he liked, he would always reply firecrackers.
34. Firefighters celebrate all holidays throughout the year except one. It is the occasion of May Day!
35. My father always advised me to fight fire with fire. Well, I guess that was why he lost his job as a firefighter.
36. A firefighter got hurt trying to save a disabled stuck in a burning building. Everyone said that he went out on a limb!
37. When the renowned shoe factory burned down, the firefighters could only save one shoe sole. Guess you could say, that it was the sole survivor.
38. I have always wondered about when a firefighter loses his job; is he fired, or does he get the axe?
39. A farmer calls the rural fire department one day. He says, “Come quick my barn's on fire, my barn’s on fire!” The dispatcher says, “Calm down. Now just tell us how to get there.” The farmer says, “Oh, don’t you have that big red truck any more?”
40. At this time of year, there’s nothing I love more than sitting in front of a warm fire, mulled wine in hand, singing Christmas songs until I slowly fall asleep. And that’s why I’m no longer a firefighter.
41. Firefighters are known for their positivity. This is because they always look at the brighter side of things!
42. I got yelled at by the fire chief today… That guy is such a hothead.
43. The man with a flame tattoo on his arms got rejected from the fire station. This was because no one was allowed to get any fire-arms in the fire station!
44. Army soldiers are perfectly equipped to be a firefighter. This is because they are used to taking fire.
45. The fire department and the firefighters tried to save the bakery, but by the time they got there, things were already toast!
46. The firefighter wanted to tell a few firemen jokes, but all his excitement was extinguished when they were not well received by the fire department.
47. When I tell people that I work in the fire department, they say it is cool. I correct them by saying it is quite warm.
48. There was this firefighter that I had met for a few dates. You could say that he/she is my new flame.
49. My friend wants to be a firefighter one day because he has a lot of burning passion for the job.
50. Whenever I ask my firefighter sister how her job is going, she always replies that her job is lit!
51. A fire broke out at a cold-medicine factory on the outskirts of a town. Thankfully, there was no congestion on the way.
52. While trying to get out of an empty burning house, the firefighter took the calendar along with him because he wanted to save the day!
53. The only way to inform the fire department about a fire is to call them on the hotline.
54. The firefighter would always get into trouble because he is a hothead.
55. "I have to leave work," I told my boss, "my wife is stuck in a house fire!" He replied, "But you're a fireman."
Hilarious Firefighting Jokes
Prepare to turn up the heat with our final collection of hilarious firefighting jokes that are guaranteed to spark belly laughs. Not only will these jokes tickle your funny bone, but they also serve as perfect ice-breakers to light up any social event.
Let's dive right into this lineup of comedic gems. Fasten your humor belts because these fire-themed jokes are about to take you on a rip-roaring ride of hilarity.
56. What did the firefighter have to say when the chairman of the small-town football club asked him to save the cups from a fire in the stadium? The firefighter informed him that the fire hadn't spread to the kitchen yet!
57. What did Pikachu say when it met the fire chief? "Pikachu!"
58. What did the firefighters say when a church caught on fire? "Holy smoke!"
59. What bugs firefighters during the summer months? Fireflies.
60. Why was the fire chief calling for more water during the fire? Because the fire had taken place at a sponge factory!
61. Why did the firefighter wear his gear out to dinner? Just in case the sauce was too fiery.
62. What do you call the heroic fireman who was featured on the evening TV news? Flamous.
63. What sports team do firefighters root against? Portland Trail Blazers.
64. What is the name of the music group that all firefighters love hearing? Arcade Fire.
65. What happens when a firefighter visits a new place or meets new people? They are always greeted with a lot of warmth.
66. What is the main difference between a firefighter and a worker? Only one out of them is prepared for a firing.
67. Why do many fire departments keep Dalmatians? Because they assist them in looking for hydrants.
68. What was the result of the fire chief Googling, "Ways to start a wildfire?" He got 100,000 matches.
69. Why is an elephant an excellent choice to be a firefighter or a fire chief? Because they can easily stomp out forest fires!
70. Why did the firefighter say that humans are like fire? Because if you don't give them oxygen, they die.
71. What gift did the fireman's son get as his Christmas present? He got a ladder from his father.
72. What would you call a superhero who can control water? A firefighter.
73. How did the firefighter propose to his female colleague from the fire department? He said, "You set my heart on fire!"
74. What comes after a dragon lights its birthday candles? The fire department.
75. What would happen if Franciscan priests became firefighters? Then, they would be fighting fires with the help of friars.
76. If a plumber's career also has the possibility of going down the drain, then can a firefighter's career go up in smoke?
77. What can firefighters use to detect any fire? The fire distinguisher.
78. Why did the firemen need earplugs to fight a fire at the tennis equipment factory? It was known for the racket it made.
79. What should you call a very motivated firefighter? A fired-up man!
80. Why are there lights and sirens on the top of the firetruck? So that the noise can help to scare away the fire.
81. Why did the rookie fireman bring his bowling ball to the fire station? He heard there was a strike team.
82. Why would firefighters be great action movie stars? Because they have a lot of expertise in doing their stunts.
83. As firefighters are supposed to be very quick, how do they sleep? They are always fast asleep!
84. What kind of ears will a fire pumper truck have? They will have safety engin-ears!
85. Who rides a horse to every fire call? The fire marshal.
Well, there you have it, some of the most blazingly funny firefighter jokes and puns. We've journeyed through a smoky haze of hilarity and touched on some fiery hot firefighter humor.
Not only can these jokes and puns ignite fits of laughter, but they can also serve as fantastic ice-breakers, perfect for warming up any social gathering. Remember, spreading joy, like preventing fires, is a community effort.
So don't let the laughter stop here; share these jokes with friends, family, and even your local firefighters. After all, laughter is a gift that keeps on giving, and your next chuckle could be the spark that lights up someone's day.