50 Superman Nicknames

Shadiya Ahammad
Feb 16, 2024 By Shadiya Ahammad
Originally Published on Apr 11, 2023
 Superman action figure

Why Superman nicknames?

Superman is one of the most loved fictional superhero characters. His character was the result of the creative efforts of Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel, who were an illustrator and a writer respectively.

Superman is one of the most popular and powerful superheroes in the DC universe. His origin from a different planet, incredible abilities, and fame as a superhero led him to adopt different aliases and names.

Superman was also given interesting nicknames by the people that knew him and the news channels of Metropolitan City. This is where adult Superman lived and worked as Clark Kent.

Some of the pet names given to him are terms of adoration from his close acquaintances. There are other nicknames that symbolize his role as a superhero, while others highlight his personality and character.

This article presents different lists containing several Superman nicknames used in different productions. You will also find some original pet names that resemble Superman.

These can be used as character names if you wish to write content based on Superman or while playing a video game. The article could also help you figure out ways to create new nicknames for Superman by yourself.

Cool Superman Nicknames

1. Action Ace - Superman is a man of action and one of the greatest superheroes. 

2. Blue Marvel - meaning ‘the marvelous hero in blue’. 

3. Braveheart - a fitting nickname for the brave Superman who will face any enemy that stands against the people of Earth.  

4. Kent - based on Clark Kent, Superman’s human name given to him by his family on Earth. 

5. Justice - because Superman fights for justice. 

6. Kal - based on Kal-El, Superman's real, Kryptonian name.  

7. King - since Superman is the leader of the group of superheroes known as the Justice League. 

8. King Krypton - since Superman was a member of the royal family of Krypton. 

9. Krypton Man - Superman is the man from the planet Krypton. 

10. Mr. Amazing - Superman is one of the most loved superheroes in the world. 

11. Supe - an abbreviation of Superman. 

12. Superdude - a catchy pet name.  

13. The Red-Blue Blur - the nickname for Superman in the TV series ‘Smallville’, based on the red and blue colors of his costume. 

Best Superman Nicknames

14. Alpha - because Superman is the dominating hero. 

15. Big Blue - the nickname refers to Superman, the big man in a blue costume. 

16. CK - a pet name based on the initials of Clark Kent.

17. Good Samaritan - means ‘a kind citizen who helps other people'. 

18. Kryptonian - since Superman is from the planet Krypton. 

19. Supes - a popular nickname for Superman used in some of the earliest comics. 

20. The Last Son of Krypton - Superman was the last born and only survivor of Krypton.

21. The Man of Steel - is one of Superman's most popular pet names. 

22. The Man of Tomorrow - this nickname for Superman has been used in comics and the TV series ‘Smallville’. 

23. The Metropolis Marvel - the marvelous superhero from the fictional city of Metropolis. 

24. The Metropolis Kid - could be a fitting nickname if Superman became a hero at a young age. 

25. The Saviour - Superman is the savior of the Earth.

Unique Superman Nicknames

26. Atticus - a nickname given to Clark Kent by Lex Luthor. It is a reference to the objective lawyer, Atticus Finch from the novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’. 

27. Amaze Man - Superman leaves people amazed by his strength.

28. Boy Wonder - since Superman is a person with special abilities. It could be a fitting nickname for the younger Superman character. 

29. Black Superman - the nickname is based on the black costume Superman once wore, changing from his original blue and red attire. 

30. Defender of Justice - Superman is a defender of justice. 

31. Faster than a Speeding Bullet - Superman can move faster than a speeding bullet. 

32. Impenetrable - nothing (except Kryptonite) penetrates Superman’s skin. 

33. Invincible - some of the strongest enemies find Superman invincible. 

34. S-Man - short form of Superman. 

35. Son of Jor-El - Superman’s Kryptonian name is Kal-El, and his Kryptonian father’s name was Jor-El. 

36. Strange Visitor - a fitting pet name for infant Superman who landed on Earth on a spaceship. 

37. Symbol of Hope - based on the symbol ‘S’ on Superman’s costume, regarded to stand for hope.  

38. The Blur - Superman’s nickname ‘The Red-Blue Blur’ was later shortened to ‘The Blur’. 

39. The Light - Superman was also called this nickname when fighting against Darkseid. 

40. The Sentient Power - this Superman nickname was mentioned in the ‘Smallville’ episode, titled ‘Absolute Justice, Part 2’. 

41. The Traveler - an uncommon pet name that fits Superman since he is an alien on Earth from another planet. 

42. World’s Greatest Hero - Superman is considered one of the greatest heroes on Earth. 

Funny Superman Nicknames

43. Baby of Steel - for a baby Superman

44. Boy Scout - Superman is friends with Batman, who calls him a Boy Scout. 

45. Clarkie - a nickname for Clark Kent, Superman. 

46. Curls - a reference to Superman's iconic single curl. 

47. Sun Lover - a funny pet name since Superman gets his power from the sun. 

48. Superguy - a catchy and funny nickname. 

49. The Mild-Mannered No-Show - Superman’s love interest Lois Lane used this nickname. His superhero duties would prevent him from meeting her. 

50. The Mild-Mannered Reporter - another nickname for Superman from Lois Lane referring to his human identity as Clark Kent, who worked as a reporter. 


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Written by Shadiya Ahammad

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature, Master of Arts specializing in India and World Literature

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Shadiya AhammadBachelor of Arts specializing in English Language and Literature, Master of Arts specializing in India and World Literature

A skilled writer and content creator with a postgraduate degree in English literature from the University of Calicut, Shadiya has also completed a Master of Arts in World Literature from Widya Dharma University and studied English Language and Literature at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. With her educational background and four years of experience in content writing, Shadiya has developed excellent research, communication, and writing skills, which she brings to her work every day. Her passion for language extends beyond her professional work, as she enjoys studying Arabic and Spanish in her free time.

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