100+ Best Ethereal Names You'll Love

Georgia Stone
Dec 12, 2023 By Georgia Stone
Originally Published on Dec 21, 2020
Portrait of a cute newborn baby lying on her stomach on tropical beach

Choosing a name can take time but it’s worth spending that time and effort for your little baby.

Many parents look for names with deeper meanings. Many parents want to look beyond family names or more common names, and instead, they are ready to explore and experiment with the name they choose.

Wondering what are ethereal names? Ethereal baby names are beautiful, elegant, exquisite, dreamy, fairy-like, nature-inspired, and earthy. They are names that seem to be from another world.

Ethereal names can be mystical and magical names as well. Some popular mystical names for boys are Aladdin, Arion, Caspian, and Cosmo. There are quite a few fantasy girls names as well which are loved by parents like Anastasia, Clara, Elora, Era, and Inara.

If you are looking for something unique and different for your little angel then choose from these ethereal names. We have a list of fantasy girl names, fantasy boy names, fairy names, hippie names for boys, goddess names, and many more that you can choose from.

We hope you find the perfect name on our list of ethereal baby names below.

For more name ideas, check out these soaring names that mean wind, sky and air and these fairy names for girls.

Mystical Girl Names That Mean Free Spirit

Your little angel can enjoy a free spirit name with the meaning “free” or “liberated”. Choose from our list of free-spirited baby names for your darling baby girl

1. Anima (English origin), this girl's name means “spirit”. Can also be among the good middle names for girls.

2. Liberty (English origin), a beautiful name for your girl meaning “free”.

3. Mukta (Indian origin), among the well known girls names meaning “free spirit” or “set free”.

4. Shahrazah (Persian origin), this beautiful girl's name means “free city”.

5. Spirit (English origin), the meaning of this girl's name is “spirit”.

6. Tímea (Hungarian origin), this girl's name means “good spirits”. Among the best female fantasy names.

7. Quispe (Native American origin), probably among the rarest girls names in the world and it means “free”.

Unisex Names That Mean Free Spirit For Your Baby

Below are some unisex name options if you want to convey “free spirit” through your child’s name.

8. Chang (Chinese origin), the meaning of this unisex name is “unrestrained”.

9. Chi (Igbo origin), a short and cute name which means “spiritual being”.

10. Ling (Chinese origin), a unique name which means “spirit”.

11. Mandeep (Indian origin), a beautiful name which means “spirit light”.

12. Manpreet (Indian origin), the meaning of this unisex name is “spirit joy”

13. Özgür (Turkish origin), among the uncommon girls names and it means “free”.

14. Ricmod (Ancient Germanic origin), this name means “mighty spirit”.

Liberating Boy Names That Mean Free Spirit

If your baby boy is destined to be a liberated free spirit, then choose a name with the same meaning.

15. Amadi (Igbo origin), the meaning of this name is “free man”.

16. Azad (Persian origin), a beautiful and a well known name for a boy and it means “free”.

17. Charlton (English origin), a free spirit name meaning “settlement of free men”.

18. Eleutherius (Greek origin), this name means “free”.

19. Erkin (Turkish origin), the meaning of this boy name is also “free”.

20. Hartmut (Germanic origin), this name refers to “someone with a brave spirit”.

21. Liber (Roman origin), a cute name for a boy and it means “free”.

22. Manoja (Indian origin), the meaning of this boy name is “born of the mind”.

Hippie Boy Names That Are So Special

Hippie names are unique and fun choices. Your search for a cool hippie boy name ends here. We have compiled some of the best names that you will surely love.

23. Arrow (English origin), a stylish name for a little boy that brings a feeling of a battle.

24. Basil (Ancient Greek origin), is a sweet name for your boy. This name is derived from the ancient Greek 'basileus' which means “King”.

25. Blue (English origin), this name refers simply to the color blue and is a very popular hippie name.

26. Cash (Hebrew origin), a very cool sounding name. In Hebrew Cash means “hallow”.

27. Cedar (English origin), this name is an ode to the beautiful Cedar tree. It’s a lovely magical name for parents who love nature.

28. Dharma (Sanskrit origin), it’s a beautiful name which means “truth”.

29. Dusk (American origin), the meaning of this name is the “time between day and night”. Among the most popular ethereal baby names.

30. Ezra (Jewish origin), a unique meaningful name which will help your baby to stand out in the crowd. It means “help”.

31. Harper (English origin), a popular hippie boy name and it means “a harp player”.

32. Indigo (Latin origin), this name refers to the color indigo.

33. Jerry (American origin), this a cute and cool sounding name for your little boy.

34. Karma (Sanskrit origin), this name means “destiny”. Among the free spirited names.

35. Ocean (Greek origin), this name is inspired by the Greek name Okeanos.

36. Orion (Greek origin), in Greek mythology, Orion is a powerful hunter. It is also the brightest constellation in a night sky. This is a great Greek name for a baby.

37. Skye (Old Norse origin),  this is a name that is derived from “sky”.

38. Reed (English origin), this is among the popular names for a hippie boy. Reed means “red” and this name is mainly used for babies with red hair.

39. Xerxes (Greek origin), in Greek mythology this name means “ruler of the heroes”.

40. Zappa (Italian origin), among the unique names which means “mattock”

Hippie Names For Girls That Are Unique

Hippie girls names are gaining a lot of popularity and are in trend right now. Search no more if you are looking for an unconventional and unique name for your baby girl. We have compiled some of the best hippie girls names for you right here.

41. Autumn (Latin origin), if you love autumn then this is a perfect name for your little girl.

42. Carina (Latin origin), among the fairy girls' names and it means “beloved”.

43. Cloud (English origin), this girl's name is inspired by nature. A beautiful hippie name for your little girl.

44. Dawn (Old English origin), among the ethereal girl's names that you will absolutely love. Dawn means “promise for a bright future”.

45. Dream (English origin), surely among the angelic names.

46. Gracious (Greek origin), being gracious is surely a quality that you would want your little girl to have. Why not name her Gracious?

47. Heather (English origin), this is a lovely hippie name for a girl and it refers to a “purple flower”.

48. Hope (English origin), your little angel brings with her a ray of hope and brightens your day. This is surely a name that you will love for your little girl.

49. Kai (Hawaiian origin),  one of the cute hippie girl names and it means “sea”.

50. Love (English origin), probably the best and the purest form of emotion between a parent and a child. This is an angelic name for your sweet girl.

51. Shine (Irish origin), every parent wants their little angel to shine and have a bright future. This is a cool hippie name for your little girl.

Elemental Names For Boys You'll Love

Fire, earth, water, and air are the four elements of nature. Do you love nature and have the desire to keep a nature-inspired name for your baby boy or girl? We have a list of nature-friendly and earthy baby names. Earthy baby names are any names that are inspired by the wonderful elements found in nature.

52. Aaron (Hebrew origin), one of the ethereal boy names meaning “high mountain” which signifies strength.

53. Anil (Indian origin), one of the well known baby names and it means “wind”.

54. Bourne (English origin), this name refers to someone “who lives near the water”.

55. Dion (French origin), one of the classy ethereal names and it means “a person who is the son of both heaven and earth”.

56. Flynt (English origin) the meaning of this boy name is “stream of water”.

57. Glenn (Scottish origin), this boy name means “earth and nature”.

58. Kenneth (Irish origin), this name refers to someone “who is born out of fire”.

59. Mishal (Greek origin), the meaning of this boy name is “a bright flame”.

60. Pule (Zambian origin), this name means “waterfall”.

61. Ridge (English origin), one of the unique ethereal names and it means “the narrow elevation of a mountain”.

62. River (Latin-English origin), this boy name means “a natural flowing path of water”.

Elemental Names For Girls You Won't Want To Miss

Take a look at the elemental names for girls below.

63. Abeila (Hebrew origin), one of the dreamy girl names and it means “the breath”.

64. Aura (Greek origin), the meaning of this girl's name is “wind”.

65. Avani (Sanskrit origin), this girl's name means “earth”.

66. Darya (Russian origin), is a unique ethereal name which means “sea”.

67. Diana (Indo-European origin), this name is inspired by the Goddess of forests and moon.

68. Gaia (Greek origin), in Greek mythology the ancestral Earth Mother is known as Gaia.

69. Hermione (Greek origin),  this girl's name means “earth’s messenger”.

70. Iris (Greek origin), one of the beautiful ethereal names for girls which is inspired from the Greek Goddess of the rainbow.

71. Misty (English origin), this girl's name means “foggy”.

72. Naledi (South African origin), this name means “star”.

73. Pavati (Native American origin), the meaning of this girl name means “water which is as clear as crystal”.

74. Shannah (Irish origin), this girl's name means “water which is slow moving”.

75. Soleil (French origin), in French this baby name means “sun”.

76. Tanwen (Welsh origin), this girl's name means “white fire”.

Peaceful Nature Names For Girls

Who is not inspired by the beauty and the elements of nature? Names for girls related to nature can foster creativity, happiness, and love in your little angel. No wonder parents love to search for nature-inspired names for their bundle of joy.

77. Abilene (Hebrew origin), a popular name that means “meadow”.

78. Aria (Italian origin),  if you are in search of a nature inspired name then this is a beautiful girl name. This name means “air” in Italian.

79. Brin (Welsh origin), a lovely girl name, it means “like a hill”.

80. Blossom (English origin), girl's name meaning “bloom”.

81. Chrysanthe (Greek origin), a unique ethereal girl's name meaning “marigold” in Greek.

82. Eden (Hebrew origin), it is believed to be the name of the place where Adam and Eve lived. It is also known as the “paradise of happiness”.

83. Ela (Turkish origin), this is a simple and short name for a girl and it means “earth”.

84. Iris (Greek origin), this is a beautiful ethereal girl's name and it refers to the “beautiful colors of the rainbow” in Greek.

85. Isla (Spanish origin), the meaning of this girl's name is “island”.

86. Ivy  (English and Latin origin), a lovely name for your sweetheart. This girl's name is a reflection of “beauty and simplicity”.

87. Lana (Gaelic origin), a simple name for a girl and it means “little rock”.

88. Primrose (Welsh origin), the meaning of this name is “first rose”. If your first child is girl then this is lovely name for your daughter.

Meaningful Nature Names For Boys

Why not pick a beautiful nature-inspired name for your little boy from this list of free-spirited baby names?

89. Ackley (English origin), this is a unique ethereal name for your new boy and it means “oak meadow”.

90. Ailin (Gaelic origin), this boy name means “little rock”.

91. Canyon (Spanish origin), this name means “rocky hill”.

92. Denver (English origin), the meaning of this ethereal name is “one who is born in a green valley”.

93. Eben (Hebrew origin), this short and simple boy name means “stone”.

94. Flint (English origin), if you are in search of a nature inspired name then why not choose Flint? It means “stream”.

95. Glyn (Welsh origin), the meaning of this boy name is “valley”.

96. Lee (English origin),  this name means “meadow”.

97. Montana (Spanish origin), this old fashioned boy name means “mountain” in Spanish.

98. Oliver (Latin origin), a well known boy name and it means “someone who loves nature”.

99. Vale (English origin), one of the unique ethereal names and it means someone “who lives in the valley”.

100. Wren (English origin), a boy name meaning “from the farm”.

101. Zephyr (Greek origin), this boy name means "west wind".

Kidadl has lots of great baby names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for the best ethereal names, then why not take a look at something different like these names meaning magic or these magical girl names?

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Written by Georgia Stone

Bachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

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Georgia StoneBachelor of Arts specializing in French with Film Studies, Bachelor of Arts (Year Abroad) specializing in Literature, History, Language, Media, and Art

Georgia is an experienced Content Manager with a degree in French and Film Studies from King's College London and Bachelors degree from Université Paris-Sorbonne. Her passion for exploring the world and experiencing different cultures was sparked during her childhood in Switzerland and her year abroad in Paris. In her spare time, Georgia enjoys using London's excellent travel connections to explore further afield.

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