' Game of Thrones' took the world by a storm after its television release.
Millions of fans all over the planet were glued to this series, which aired for eight seasons. 'Game of Thrones' is based on George R. R. Martin's fantasy series 'A Song of Ice and Fire'.
'Game of Thrones' had a record viewership on television and thus started having an international fan base. The story occurs in the fictional continents: named Westeros and Essos.
Each Kingdom and each of the Houses aim to sit on the Iron Throne in Westeros, thereby taking control over the entire continent. The series and the novels reveal complex and tricky relations between each house and how they compete against each other to take advantage.
Along with the familiar animals, 'Game of Thrones' has shown mystical animals like dragons. Another arc of the story deals with the White Walkers.
They are dead zombies who follow their leader's directions, the Night King and want the end of all humanity.
The series has shown a number of brutal deaths, battles, and engaging storyline with complex plots and brilliant character developments throughout the series and in the novels. For fantasy enthusiasts, choosing trivia and team names for the GoT fandom can be a brilliant idea.
We have made an incredible list of some of the best 'Game of Thrones' trivia names for your fantasy team. Let the Games begin, and winter come early!
For all things GoT, take a look at Game Of Thrones Names and Game Of Thrones Dragon Names.
Fancy Game Of Thrones Team Names

Enlisted below are some of the best fancy 'Game of Thrones' team names. These names are wonderful for sophisticated teams.
1. A Feast for Flaccos - This is a lovely 'Game of Thrones' trivia team names.
2. A Team Has No Name
3. A Winter's Storm
4. Baratheon's Rebels
5. Beyond the Wall - This is one of the best trivia team names.
6. Bone Gardeners
7. Born to Be Wildling
8. Can't Stannis Leave
9. Cleveland Bronnsy
10. Dead Boys Walking
11. Dragon Class - This is a good trivia team name for a team.
12. Dreaming of Spring
13. Ending the Night Watch -The night watch had some brave soldiers. They had a tagline, 'the night is dark...'
14. Faceless Men of Braavos
15. Fighters of Future Wars
16. First Drowned God
17. Fishermen of the Riverlands
18. From the Dorne
19. Frozen Viserions
20. Gridiron Throne
21. Halfman, Half Amazing
22. Hand of the Vikings - Pun team names like these are elegant.
23. Hounds of Ramsey
24. House of Chargeryen
25. Insidious Imps
26. Jorah the Explorer
27. Kings of the Mountain
28. Lannister Lions
29. Lannister Schemister
30. Lord of the Andals
31. Master of Spies
32. Mother of Dragons
33. No Mercy - this would also be one of the right names for quiz teams.
34. Nose in a Book
35. Of Gods and Men
36. On the Kingsroad Again
37. Redskin Wedding
38. Release the Hound
39. Remembering the North
40. Roses of Tyrell
41. Sansa's Sentries
42. Sansa and Sansability
43. Sparrow's Eye
44. Strangers with Books
45. The Baratheon Stags
46. The Bell Ringers
47. The Captains
48. The Captives
49. The Children
50. The Dishonorables
51. The Dothrookies
52. The Kingsguard - this can also be one of the best 'Game of Thrones' fantasy league names.
53. The Little Liars
54. The Manning Faced God
55. The Martell Spears
56. The Memorists
57. The New Gods/Goddess
58. The Old Westerlands
59. The Promised Winter
60. The Rainy Day Crew
61. The Rebellion
62. The Red Ones
63. The Red Vipers
64. The Red Vipers of Sand - this is also one of the best Game of Thrones fantasy names.
65. The Red Women
66. The Rememberers
67. The Strangers
68. The Sword Storm
69. The Tennessee Twins
70. The Vipers
71. The Viper's Venom
72. The Watchers
73. Three-Eyed Ravens
74. Valerian Swords
75. Valyrian Steel Wheelers
76. Varys My Dragons?
77. ViKingslayer
78. We are Coming
79. We Snow Nothing
80. Westeros Division Rules
81. White Walker Privilege
82. Winner Is Coming
83. Winterfell Dire Wolves - this is a good one among 'Game of Thrones' group names.
84. Winterfell Wolves
85. Writers of Dark Words
Game Of Thrones Trivia Team Names
Here are some of the best' Game of Thrones' fantasy team names.
86. Andal Always Love You
87. Ask for Mercy
88. Black Stags
89. Bone Gardeners - 'Game of Thrones' pun team names like these are hilarious.
90. Can't Stannis Kill
91. Daenerys's Dragons
92. Dothraki Horse Lords
93. Game of Scones
94. Girls Gone Wilding
95. God's Lawyers
96. Grand Maester Parcells
97. House Chargeryen
98. In the Shadows
99. Justice for the Queen/King
100. Khal Throwgo
101. Lady Stoneheart
102. Lords/Ladies of Volantis
103. Mother of Gordons
104. Mothers of Dragons
105. No Mercy
106. Ours is the Fury
107. Stark Raven Mad
108. Stark's Rebels
109. Storm The Matt Cassel
110. Team Drogon
111. Team Valor
112. The Apprentices
113. The Arryn Falcons
114. The Baratheon Stag
115. The Black House
116. The Blue Winter Roses
117. The Clash of Clans
118. The Crow's Song
119. The Direwolves
120. The Red Woman
121. The Sand Snakes
122. The Shadow Creatures
123. The Sparrows
124. The Storm
125. The Sword Storm
126. To Sir With Hatred
127. Today Was Dragon Me Down - this is one of the best among funny 'Game of Thrones' names.
128. Tyrion and the Giants
129. Under Two Suns
130. Valyrian Steelers
131. Vikings of the North
132. Watchers on the Wall
133. Westeros Witches
134. Westeros Witches
135. Winner is Coming
136. Yoren Luck
Game Of Thrones Soccer Team Names

Every strong soccer fantasy team deserves an equally elegant and strong team name. Find out which team name you like the best.
137. A Strong Hodor - Good trivia team names like these need no introduction.
138. Arya Ready for This? - With the pun 'Arya ready', this one is one of the funny team names for trivia.
139. Baker of Chains - Funny' Game of Thrones' team names like these will draw applause even from your opponent's team.
140. Battle of the Bastards
141. Crasters Keepers
142. Crossing Massacre
143. Daknaeris Targetian
144. Davos Gave Us The Figure
145. Davos Seahawk
146. Dothraki Dragons
147. DwyerWolves
148. Faceless Men of Braavos
149. Famous Unsullied
150. Flight of the Harpies
151. From Behind the Vale
152. From the Dorne
153. Guardians of Dragonglass
154. High Fliers
155. Insidious Imps
156. Jaime's Fingers
157. Jaqen the Box
158. Jorah, the explorer? I Hardly Know 'ah - This is one of the funniest among 'Game of Thrones' puns team names.
159. Knight Life
160. Lannister Schmannister
161. Narrow Seahawks
162. No Jaqen Required
163. Queen of Thorns
164. Raisin Bran
165. Redskins Wedding
166. Release the Hound
167. Singers of Fire and Ice
168. Sons of the Harpies
169. Sons/Daughters of Harpies
170. Sparrow's Eye
171. Stalkborns
172. Stark Raving Mad
173. Stormborn
174. Team Valor
175. The Arryn Hawks
176. The Kingslayers
177. The Wolf and the Lions
178. Tyrion's Lions
179. Valyrian Steel Wheelers
180. Valyrian Steelers
181. Westeros Wildings
182. White Walkers
Cool Game Of Thrones Team Names
Fantasy is a cool game, and all cool teams need a cool name. Take a look and choose one for your side.
183. A Feast For Throws
184. Black Stags Black
185. Breaker of Rules
186. Can't Break Us
187. Crows Before Hos - Crows before Hos is a funny trivia team name.
188. Game of Julio Jones
189. Grey Worms
190. Hold The Gore
191. Impin' Ain't Easy
192. Lady Stoneheart
193. Lannister Lords/Ladies
194. Lords/Ladies of Dragonstone
195. Luck the Lannisters
196. Maesters Are Forever
197. Mother of Drogon
198. Narrowest Seahawks
199. No Jaqen Required
200. Slaver's Bay Buccaneers
201. Stark Raven Mad
202. Stark's Rebels
203. Tate's Golden Crown
204. The Castamere Crew
205. The Crow's Song
206. Three Hodors Down
207. Tommen and a Brady
208. Tyrionasarus Rex Ryan
209. Walders of Frey
210. Winter Wonderland
Game Of Thrones Team Names Ideas
Fantasy is a team game, and enlisted below are some of the best' Game of Thrones' team names.
211. Cassel Black
212. Dark and Full of Terrors
213. Dreaming of Spring
214. Ending the Watch
215. Fighting Through the Storm
216. Game of Gridiron Thrones
217. Game of Throws
218. Heirs to the Iron Throne
219. House McCoy
220. Mover of Chains
221. Night Vikings
222. Of Gods and Men
223. Protectors of the Realm
224. Samwell Bradford
225. Stark Raving Mad
226. Team Dragon Drogon
227. Terrance Westeros
228. The Shadow Creatures
229. The Spiders
230. The Winter Winds
231. Theon Sanders
232. Vernon Davos
233. Westeros Coast Offense
234. Wolves and Lions
Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Game of Thrones Trivia Team Names then why not take a look at Harry Potter Team Names, or for something different take a look at Star Wars Wifi Names.
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