81 Funny Knight Names From Mythology and Fiction

Christian Mba
Jan 15, 2024 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Jun 12, 2022
Edited by Ashima Jain
Fact-checked by Dimple Panchal
cool mythology names for knight

Whether it's a game, online community, or real-life, funny knight names based on puns are always preferred by individuals.

This is the reason that people actively look for that one perfect name from the list of funny blood elf death knight names and funny orc death knight names. These names have a deep thought, some are inspired by a funny joke while there are some that you will find extremely interesting.

Earlier, people used to mostly keep those names that were either chosen from mythological characters or inspired by the names of their ancestors. But, with time, the preference changed.

People now try unique and best names for their children that are decent, cool, and creative. If you have been searching for some uncommon names, then you will not be disappointed with our list of knight names that certainly make a good choice.

So, without wasting much time, check out some funny frost death knight names and funny female death knight names.

Funny Sir Knight Names

There are many references to funny names for knights starting with Sir, Doctor, or Junn. These are names that are derived from history, mythology, or fiction.

Here is a list of funny Sir knight names:

Sir Cher is a name for a detective.

Sir Gent is a knight name for a sergeant.

Sir Kull is a name for a mathematician.

Sir Loin is a butcher by profession.

Sir Pass is a very funny name.

Sir Pent means to shut up.

Sir Plus is someone who is a quartermaster or farmer.

Sir Prize is a name for someone who is a prankster.

Sir Rated is a simple and funny name.

Sir Render sounds familiar with the word surrender.

Sir Rogate is for someone who observes rogation.

Sir Ten is one who may be a logician.

Sir Up is a very funny name for a guy.

Sir Vant means belly, so this can be a funny name.

Sir Vival is someone who is wild in nature.

Sir Vive is a wild guy.

Funny Jedi Knight Names

Jedi Knight was a member of the mystical knightly order in the Star Wars films. He was trained to secure peace and justice in the universe. There are many cool and funny names for Jedi knights. Here is a list of Jedi knights' names.

Anakin is an impulsive Jedi Knight.

Ashoka was the third piece of the puzzle of Anakin And Obi-Wan

Barris Offee is a Jedi Master whose last name sounded like coffee.

Dooku is a fancy Jedi master.

Jedi Knight was the Jewish knight.

Kit is a happy Jedi master who had a sad ending.

Luke is a Jedi Master who would always sense good in the others.

Luke Skywalker is the one who was a flame thread killer.

Mace is the Jedi Master who would be very dangerous.

Nute Gunray is the noob Jedi knight.

Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master who was in a high position.

Qui Gonn is a Jedi Master who could perfectly manage everything.

Rey is a Jedi Knight who swings a lightsaber.

Watto was the troll Jedi master.

Yoda is a Jedi Master with good relations.

Younglings are the Jedi who think Skywalker would save them.

Funny Female Knight Names

There are many popular female knights in fiction and history. There were knights in the Lord of the Rings and The Vikings. But in modern times, you will certainly find some really funny female knight names across different platforms. Here is a list of female knight names that you will surely like.

Alia Of The Mountains (Arabic Origin), meaning, 'supreme, exalted' is one of the funny female knight names.

Doctor Boudicca (Celtic origin), meaning, 'victory', is one of the funny female knight names.

Guy Cynane (Greek origin), meaning, 'warrior princess', is one of the funny female knight names.

Hello Lady Jehovah (Hebrew origin), meaning, 'new God', a knight named like this would be really fun to see.

Her Highness Alexa (American Origin), meaning, 'defender of the people', could be regarded as one of the best named as compared to others.

Her Highness Ciara (Irish Origin), meaning, 'dark', could certainly be a funny medieval knight name.

Her Highness Nakano (Japanese origin), meaning, 'central field', could be regarded as one of the best named as compared to others.

Her Highness Nevada (Spanish Origin), meaning, 'snow-covered', could be regarded as one of the best named as compared to others.

Her Highness Oriana (Latin or Spanish Origin), meaning, 'sun' or 'gold', could be a really funny undead death knight name.

Her HighnessAdira (Hebrew Origin), meaning, 'strong' or 'powerful', could be regarded as one of the best named as compared to others.

Lady Akasuki (Japanese Origin), meaning, 'bright helper', is one of the interesting female knight names.

Lady Called Grace (Latin origin), meaning, 'charm' or 'gracious', could certainly be a funny medieval knight name.

Lady De Natasha (Slavic origin), meaning, 'birthday', is an interesting name. A knight named Lady De Natasha is one of the best names for a female night.

Lady Lancelot Joan (Hebrew or French origin), meaning, 'God is gracious', a knight called by this name would be really funny herself.

Lady Named Eurydice (Greek origin), meaning, 'wide justice', could be regarded as one of the best names as compared to others.

Lady Sir Artemisia (Greek origin), meaning, 'Goddess of the Hunt', is one of the interesting female knight names.

Lady Teuta (Greek origin), meaning, 'queen', is one of the interesting female knight names.

Lady Tomyris (Eastern-Iranian origin), meaning, 'brave' or 'iron', is one of the interesting female knight names.

Lady Zenobia (Greek origin), meaning, 'force of Zeus', is one of the funny female knight names.

Madam Akatsuki (Japanese Origin), meaning, 'scarlet' or 'dawn', is one of the funny female knight names.

Madam Alexandra (Greek origin), meaning, 'defender of the people', is one of the funny female knight names.

Madam Fu (Chinese origin), meaning, 'wealth' or 'hibiscus lotus', could certainly be a funny medieval knight name.

Madam Lozen (Native American origin), meaning, 'one who steals horses', is one of the interesting female knight names.

Madam Melanie (Greek origin), meaning, 'dark', is a name that would bring a smile to your face every time you read this name.

Madam Tomoe (Japanese origin), meaning, 'blessing', is one of the interesting female knight names.

No More Anastasia (Greek origin), meaning, 'resurrection', could be one of the funny goblin death knight names.

Round Table Olympia (Greek origin), meaning, 'mountain of the Gods', is a really interesting name for a female name.

Ragnarok Funny Knight Names

The knights in the Ragnarok serve the king of Rune-Midgarts. They are the first line of defense. Are you also looking for some really funny Ragnarok knight names? Then, here is a list of Ragnarok knight names.

Brade is the instructor who teaches types of equipment.

Hans Rapad was first seen as the bodyguard of Saintess Aione.

Herman Von Efesiers is the captain. His task is to check the swordsmen and their skills.

Kalain was on the mission to save their king's children who were kidnapped.

Karl Johann Spiegel is the commanding officer of the knight team of the kingdom.

Sakray is the cursed prosecutor. The person is very mysterious and very terrifying.

Zeras Hyperion also participated in the rescue mission with Kalian.

Runescape Funny Knight Names

RuneScape is a high fantasy open-world game. There are two types of knights present in the game, white knights and black knights who are rivals.

Here is a list of RuneScape knight names.

Commander Jaycliff appeared in the Kindred Spirits. He was made the commander in the God wars. He is the white knight.

Sir Fsup, is a pun for Surf up. He is the white knight.

Sir Ken Schism is a white knight. His name was derived from the word circumcision.

Sir Lection sounds like the word selection. He is the white knight.

Sir Loynst Ayke is a white temple knight. His name sounds like the phrase sirloin steak.

Sir Pent sounds like the word serpent. He is also a white knight.

Sir Plyan Demand is a pun on the phrase supply and demand. He is also a white knight.

Sir Rebrum is familiar with the word cerebrum. He is a white knight.

Sir Remony is derived from the word ceremony. He is a white knight.

Sir Render sounds like the word surrender. He is a white knight.

Sir Rial, his dead body was found at the entrance of the cave he was sent on a mission to. His name sounds like the word surreal and is a white knight.

Sir Tenlee is a white knight. His name sounds like the word certainly as he shares his name with another knight Sir Tinley.

Sir Vant is the white knight whose name sounds like the word servant.

Sir Vile is taken from the word servile. He is a white knight. He is a very egoistic person. 

Sir Ving sounds like the word serving. He is also a white knight.

Tomlin is a missionary. He is also a white knight.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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Fact-checked by Dimple Panchal

Bachelor specializing in Economics, Master of Arts specializing in Economics

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Dimple PanchalBachelor specializing in Economics, Master of Arts specializing in Economics

With a background in economics and a passion for creative writing, Dimple pursued higher education and gained a Bachelor's degree in Economics from Gargi College and a Master's degree in the same from Indira Gandhi National Open University. Along the way, she tutored kids and discovered her passion for art as a means of self-expression. An introvert by nature, she finds solace in watching anime films and documentaries, reading books, and taking walks with her dog. She admires the work of Hayao Miyazaki and Haruki Murakami.

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