131 Handy Hat Names For Fabulous Fashionistas

Joan Agie
Jan 15, 2024 By Joan Agie
Originally Published on Jun 08, 2022
Edited by Ashima Jain
Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath
Ancient hat names feature classic hats that were originally created with Pith.

Hard felt hat usually is available as one of the brimmed hats with a typically high crown which people originally wore in the early 19th century to protect their hair.

Some of the different types of hats worn in western countries are brimmed hat, brimless cap, conical cap, soft felt hat, curved brim hat, military cap, newsboy cap, baseball cap, trilby hat, cloche hat, sloping brim hat, round flat cap, beaver fur man's hat and several other easy to wear hats.

Then there were different types of hats commonly associated with the upper class in the early 20th century during formal occasions.

The style of hat worn varies according to the weather. For instance, Panama hats with a flat top can be worn during pleasant weather conditions while a wide-brimmed hat of felt or straw hat with a wide shape offers sun protection during summers.

Read on for names of hats prevalent since the 18th century.

Winter Hat Names

Here are different types of hats typically worn as a head covering during winters to offer weather and sun protection.

Beanie Hats are one of the unique choices of hats in the winter season. Beanie hats are one of the most popular hat styles and a winter staple for almost all people.

Deerstalker hats are common hats in rural areas and is a warm and close tweed caps.

Fedora is another structured winter hat and is suitable for men and women.

Stormy Kromer Caps fit both men and women.

Toque is a winter hat that is usually white.

Ushanka is a kind of a trapper hat that suits most face shapes. They are cute fashion trends suitable for women living in cold weather climates.

Watch Caps are good caps suitable for the winter season.

Men's Hat Style Names

Check out the following list of men’s hat style names and understand more about them.

Baseball Caps are versatile, functional, and stylish hat styles for men. It is an American tradition and is more popular among men all around the world.

Bearskin is a tall and furry hat style designed for guards.

Beret is a soft round cap with a bulging flat crown and tight-fitting brimless hat headband. It is made from sturdy.

Bicorne is another men’s style hat with a broad-brimmed feature and long-horned shape.

Boater Hat is a semi-formal accessory that is weaved with straw and worn on formal occasions.

Boonie Hat is a very soft hat style made of fabric and has a wider brim and string tie. It is made of cotton, twill, or canvas.

Bowler Hat style is very popular because iconic figures like Charlie Chaplin, Winston Churchill, and Laurel and Hardy used this hat style.

Coonskin Cap was made of raccoon fur and is one of the popular men's style hats.

Fedora is a trendy men's hat style that has a medium brim and crease in the crown.

Fez is a red hat style with a truncated cone shape. It is common in Arab-speaking countries. Fez is an old style and was highly recognizable among men.

Flat Caps are round and full caps that have rounded tops and a small, hard brim up front.

Homburg Hat is an interesting hat style with an oval shape and gently curved upsides. It has a medium brim and crown with a crease and no dents.

Kepi is a tall circular hat with a flat crown and a short visor.

Kufi is a brimless, short, and rounded cap usually worn by Africans and people all around Africa.

Panama hat is a straw hat style made in Ecuador. A Panama hat is fit to give you a sexy accessory look.

Phrygian Caps are caps made from Phrygia and are very soft and conical in shape with the apex bent over.

Pork Pie Hat is made of felted wool and is a small and compact hat style with a flat crown and narrow brim.

Toque is also known as chef’s hat, beaver hat, or silk hat as it is the headgear worn by professional chefs.

Tricorne was made of beaver with the turned-up brims attached to the crown that came as its special feature. Tricorne hats were popular in the eighteenth century.

Trilby is another men's style hat with a very shorter brim and higher crown.

Trucker hat is a baseball cap with mesh backs. Trucker hats are taller than baseball hats.

English Hat Names

Check out the following hat names used by English people and understand more about them.

Bell Crown Hats are hats that can give you a classic touch.

Black Collapsible Top Hats are hats that are available in black color and have a wide brim.

Black Non-collapsible Top Hats are another non-collapsible hat available in black color.

Bowler Hats are hats that can give you protection from sun rays.

Cabby Hats are another stylish hat trend

Empire Hats are hats that give you a look of an empire.

Fascinator is another hat style that has a round crown and wide brim.

Gambler Hats are hats that protect your face and eyes from sun rays.

High Top Hats are another hat style used by English people.

Homburg is a good hat choice that gives you a sophisticated outlook.

John Bull Hats are hats that are inspired by John Bull.

Mad Hatter Top Hats are hats that have a very traditional outlook but are out of trend.

Mad Matter is another traditional hat name that is unique.

Papasan is another unique tall hat style.

Reggie is a hat type that is traditional.

Stingy Brim Hats are another English hat name that is very unique.

Stove Pipe Hats are tall hats and give you a traditional appearance.

Tall Lincoln Top Hats are hats that are very tall and give you the appearance of an aged man.

The Beau is a wonderful hat style that protects you from sunlight.

The Prince Hats are hats that give you the outlook of a prince and are perfectly suitable for men of all ages.

The White Topper is another traditional English hat name.

Topper is another hat name that has a round brim and is suitable for men.

Trucker Caps are caps that give you a casual look and are the name of caps used by farmers.

Wide Bell is a hat type with a wider brim that gives you an aged appearance.

Fancy Hat Names

Check out the following fancy hat names and understand more about them.

Baker Boy is a hat style that became famous as the hats used by bakers.

Baseball Cap is another fancy hat name that gives you a classic appearance.

Beret is a fancy hat name that is trendy and unique.

Boina is another fancy hat type that is round in shape and available in various colors.

Breton Caps are caps that have wider brims and are available in various colors.

Bucket Hats are fancy hats that are suitable for both men and women.

Campaign is a trendy hat type suitable for both men and women.

Caroler Top Hats are hats that are tall and suitable for men.

Cartola is another type of hat that is tall and available in various colors.

Cartwheel Hats are another trendy hats that seem like Sombrero and have a wide brim.

Cloche is another trendy curved hat type.

Coco is another hat type that has a wide brim and is very trendy.

Derby Hats are another hat type that has a special ribbon around their circumference.

Floppy Hats are hats that are trendy and have a special ribbon around them.

Gatsby Hats are hats that became popular after the film 'The Great Gatsby' as the protagonist in the movie wears such hats.

Homburg is a hat type that is unique and comfortable to wear in the summer season.

Ivy Caps are wonderful fancy caps that are modern and trendy.

Longshoreman Caps are caps that are used by people in coastal areas and are comfortable to use in all seasons.

Marine is a trendy hat type that has a wide brim.

Military Caps are caps that are common among soldiers.

Mortar Board Hats are hats usually provided to people who are graduated.

Panama is another choice of hat style that gives you a sophisticated appearance.

Party Hats are hats that are usually used at parties and are suitable for both men and women.

Pescador is a hat with a wide brim and is comfortable to use in both summer and winter seasons.

Pillbox is another beautiful hat type that appears like a pillbox.

Raffia Planter is another hat style that has a wide brim and a special ribbon on its circumference.

Safari Hats are very trendy and frequently used by women who are modern and trendy.

Skully Hats are hats that are tall and curved which provide you protection from heat and rain.

Sombrero is a wide hat type that is available in various colors and is suitable for women.

Straw Hats are hats that are unique and give you a young appearance.

Sun Hats are other fancy hats that protect your head and eyes from scorching sun.

The Ben Hogan Hats are another hat type that is comfortable to use in all seasons.

The Poor Boy Hat is another hat type that gives you a casual appearance.

The Tilbury is a type of hat that gives you a traditional outlook.

The Tryolean Hats are hats that are suitable for men of all ages and are available in various colors.

The Turf is another traditional hat type.

Trapper is a unique style hat that is trendy and modern.

Tribly is a good fancy hat style that is perfect to give you a young outlook.

Turban is a hat style that is suitable for both men and women.

Hat Style Names

Go through the following hat style names and understand more about them.

Ascot Caps are also called Cuffley caps and are suitable in all seasons.

Balaclava is a hat style generally worn around the head and wrapped around the neck.

Bobble Hat is another hat style that has a pom pom on it.

Bowler Hat is a hard hat with a narrow brim and a well-rounded crown. It is also known as a derby hat.

Campaign Hat is also known as the drill sergeant’s hat, which has a more structured crown at the top.

Chupalla Hat is a traditional hat famous in Chile. Chupalla is made of straw with a short and flat crown with a wide brim.

Conical Hat is also known as a wizard's hat or a pointed hat. It is also known as the Phrygian cap because Greeks called it so. They are skinny, tall and are pointed at the top. They are broader and shorter in the Asian culture.

Coonskin Hats are the caps that Native Americans wore as hunting caps and have special relevance in American history.

Cowboy Hat is another hat style with a round brim and pinched crown. It has a wide brim and tall crown.

Custodian Hat is another hat style also known as bobby hat as it is the hat worn by police officers in Britain. They have a high and rounded crown and a medium-short bill.

Fitted Hats are another hat style that has no adjustable band as they are available in different sizes to fit every head size.

Ivy Cap is also known as duffer cap, which can be worn in all seasons by all age groups.

Snapback Hats are hat styles that have an adjustable band in the back.

The Deerstalker is a popular hat style made famous by Sherlock Holmes.

Trucker Cap is another hat style that varies from baseball caps, and it is made of mesh head panels.

Women's Hat Style Names

Check out the following women's hat style names and understand more about them.

Beanie Caps are usually made of wool or synthetic materials. They are trendy and often chosen by women.

Beret Cap is a special hat style that comes in many colors and materials. These caps have a round shape with a flat crown, and they are made from wool or synthetic fibers.

Bonnet Hats are hats that adapt the traditional bonnet shape but are not suitable for religious purposes.

Boonie Hats are another good choice for women as they are casual and squashable and have a broader brim.

Bowler Hats are another important style of women's hats.

Breton Hats have small front visor style brims, flat and structured crowns, and a decorative ribbon on their front circumference.

Bucket Hats are squashable and are made of heavy-duty cotton fabric. They are available in different colors and patterns.

Cartwheel Hats are hats with a wide brim, a low crown, and a large circumference. They are made of straw.

Chullo is a bell-shaped hat suitable for women. It has ear flaps made from sheep’s wool or other materials.

Cloche Hats are soft hats and have bell-shaped curves in the crown.

Cocktail Hats are small hats that are suitable for winter season. They are brimless hats and have feathers, beads, and faux jewels.

Cowboy Hats are another wonderful choice for women. The fur-based felt of cowboy hats is very traditional and interesting for women.

Deerstalker Hats are hats made of woolen tweed and have a brim at the back and front.  Women d0 not frequently use Deerstalker hat.

Fedora is another choice for women. Fedora highlights your hairstyle and has indented crowns.

Kettle Brim Hats are casual hats that are available in various styles, designs, and colors.

Newsboy Caps are a wonderful choice for all seasons.

Panama Hat is a light-colored tropical hat with a tapered brim and it is lightweight. It offers a classic and traditional look to women.

Pillbox Hats have feathers, ribbons, or brooches and are worn on top of the head which gives you a classic vintage style.

Straw Hats are another perfect choice for women as they are lightweight and versatile.

Sun Hat is a perfect choice for women as its wide brim protects their face and neck.

Trilby Hats are a unique hat style for women.

Turban Hats are hats suitable for women who want to hide their hair for religious purposes.

Visor Hat has a long front brim and an open crown area.

Witch Hats are hats that have cone-shaped crowns and wide brims.

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Written by Joan Agie

Bachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

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Joan AgieBachelor of Science specializing in Human Anatomy

With 3+ years of research and content writing experience across several niches, especially on education, technology, and business topics. Joan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Human Anatomy from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria, and has worked as a researcher and writer for organizations across Nigeria, the US, the UK, and Germany. Joan enjoys meditation, watching movies, and learning new languages in her free time.

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Fact-checked by Pratiti Nath

Bachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

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Pratiti NathBachelor of Science specializing in Microbiology, Masters of Science specializing in Biotechnology

A Master's in Biotechnology from Presidency University and a Bachelor's in Microbiology from Calcutta University. Pratiti holds expertise in writing science and healthcare articles, and their inputs and feedback help writers create insightful content. They have interests in heritage, history, and climate change issues and have written articles for various websites across multiple subjects. Their experience also includes working with eco-friendly startups and climate-related NGOs.

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