115 Types Of Hand Tools Names For Your Hardware Knowledge

Christian Mba
Sep 25, 2023 By Christian Mba
Originally Published on Jan 09, 2023
Edited by Lara Simpson
Agriculture hand tools names also feature farm hand tools and their names with pictures.

Different types of hand tools are essential for day-to-day jobs around the house.

Hand tools are of different kinds and have been used by humans to complete various essential tasks at work or around the house. Other types of hand tools and power tools are commonly used for routine tests and now heavy-duty commercial tasks.

The people use hand tools for sawing, filing, and forging. A tool is used upon a material to obtain the desired product.

Some tools have multiple purposes, while some have specific goals. There are different tools like measuring tools, striking tools, metal cutting tools, holding tools, and sharpening and grinding tools. Tools like hammers, screwdrivers, mallets, axes, saw, and scissors are commonly found in households.

For best results, you must know their proper usage. You must know different types of tools to prevent the work from suffering. The toolmaking stones were discovered about 2.6 million years ago. Homo habilis did the development of the first stone tools.

Read on to learn about some of the most popular hand tools you can use for different projects.

Gardening Tools

Here is a list of different types of hand tools you will need to prepare the soil, planting, cleaning, and digging.

Digging Sticks were used for digging out underground food. It was also used to flush out burrowing animals or access insects within anthills.

Trowels were originally the shoulder blades of large mammals used to dig out soil and rocks, especially when mining for flint.

Hoes resemble long, fork-like sticks and are believed to have been used to weed farmland, chop up plant matter, and create furrows for planting.

Wooden Trowels are similar to modern garden trowels, carved with broad and rounded tips, used to cultivate wild potatoes.

Wooden shovels were used to dig mines at copper mining sites in the UK.

Roman Gardening Tools was the forerunner of the spade, the speculum was equivalent to a hoe or weeding hook, and the Bidens resembled a modern rake.

Round Mouth Shovel is a medium-length handle and a large, scooped, rounded head used for moving large quantities of loose earth, sand, or gravel.

Flat Shovel has a flat mouth and squared edges and moves loose materials.

Manure Fork is a medium-length fork with wide, slender tines with sharp, pointed tips. They are used for Moving, clearing, and loading loose material, including manure, hay, and weed piles.

Digging Fork is a four-pronged tool with a steel fork and a medium-length handle. Used for turning over and breaking up cultivated soil.

Dutch Hoe is a traditional hoe with a flat, D-shaped head, sharp on the front edge.

Leaf Rake is a long-handled rake with fine but rigid sprung-wire tines arranged in a fan shape.

Oscillating Hoe is a hoe with a flexing, stirrup-shaped head and a sharp, curved blade.

Long Handled Garden Claw is a medium-height tool with T-handle. Four short prongs, often twisted, are arranged in a square.

Draw Hoe is a traditional, long-handled hoe with a simple, turned-down rectangular blade set at 90 degrees.

Hand Claw Cultivator is similar to a long-handled claw but with a short handle for close work.

Angled Hoe is a long-handled hoe with a sharp hooked blade on all three edges.

Garden Rake is a long-handled rake with a broad metal head holding many short tines.

The Transplanting Trowel is narrow and pointed with incremental measures on the blade.

Hand Trowel is an essential gardening tool with a short handle and scooped digging blade.

Dibber is a short-handled tool with a fine, tapering point at the end.

Hand Fork is a miniature DIY garden hand fork with a short handle and three tines.

Widger is a very long and narrow hand tool with a scooped head.

Construction Hand Tools

These tools are for building construction works such as concrete, brick masonry, leveling, woodwork, floor works, slab works, bricklaying, and plastering. Here are some of the most important masonry hand tools names to help you get a grip on the force and pressure required for different jobs: -

Bolster is a chisel-like tool used to cut bricks.

Boning Rods is a T-shaped wooden tool used to level the excavated trench.

Brick hammer is used to cut the bricks and push them if they fall outside the course line.

Bump cutter is used to level concrete surfaces like concrete floors, foundations, etc.

Chain Lewis is used in lifting heavy stones, especially in stone masonry construction.

Circular saw is a time-saving tool used to cut wood in less time.

Crowbars are used to dig holes in the ground and remove tree roots, nails, and other debris.

Digging Bar is a metal rod used to dig the hard-surfaced ground.

Drill machine is a hand-driven tool used to dig holes in walls, slabs, and doors

Float is a wooden DIY tool used to smoothen plastered concrete surfaces.

Gloves are used to prevent contact with cement paint hands. They may also be used during DIY paint projects.

Hand saws are used to cut the wood materials like doors, windows, and slab panels. Saws are suitable for any carpentry job as well. Power tools like electric saws are now also being used for completing a job in a quick time.

Jack planes are used in the woodwork to smoothen the surface of doors and windows.

Measuring box is used to determine the amount of sand and aggregate used in concrete production.

Measuring tape is used to check the thickness, length, and width of masonry walls, foundation beds, excavated trenches, etc. The utility of this adjustable tool makes it ideal for construction projects.

Measuring wheel is used to determine distances and lengths.

Polisher is a tool used to smoothen tiles and wood.

Putty knife is used to level the putty and reduce its thickness during DIY paint projects.

Rubber Boots are used for safety from chemical materials.

Basic Hand Tools

Here is a list of the most basic hand tools most people use to hang a picture or install bookshelves in a house.

Screwdriver is used for driving screws inside surfaces. Screwdrivers are available in different shapes and sizes. Magnetic screwdrivers are being used for different requirements. The primary job of the tool is to fasten a nut or bolt on a surface.

Hammer is a hand tool with a weighted head used to drive nails into wood, shape metal, or crush rocks. Hammer also does the job of hammering nails on different surfaces or objects in a house. A Claw hammer can also be used to drive in a nut or bolt.

Pliers are hand tools used to hold objects tightly. There are different types of pliers that you can use, such as needle-nose pliers, groove joint pliers, and slip-joint pliers. The ad

Tape Measure is a hand tool or device used to measure lengths and distances. Tape measures are available in various shapes and sizes. Moreover, different tape measures can be available for different measurement units. A tape measure may also be known as a measurement tape, which measures the dimensions of a surface.

Adjustable Wrench provides grip and fastens, turns, loosens, or tightens nuts, bolts, or pipes into a socket. An adjustable wrench, like a tape measure, is an extremely versatile tool used for various tasks.

Hand Saw is used to cut wooden pieces into different shapes. The utility of this essential adjustable tool makes it ideal for construction projects.

Utility Knife is a type of knife used for general manual work purposes. A utility knife can be used for completing multiple tasks in a project.

Axes have been used for millennia to shape, split and cut wood to harvest timber.

Pry Bar is a hand tool used to pull two objects apart.

Staple Gun is a hand-held machine used to drive heavy metal staples into wood, plastic, or masonry.

Hand File is another essential hand-held tool for filing metal such as steel. A file can also be used to remove rust from an object.

Vise is a device consisting of two parallel jaws for holding a workpiece with a fixed jaw and one moveable by a screw or a lever.

Anvil is a tool used as a forging tool for different types of projects.

C-Clamps are clamp devices typically used to hold a wood or metal workpiece, used for carpeting and welding purposes. Clamps are suitable for a range of job types. Power tools like screwdrivers can be used for fastening the clamps.

Crowbars are used to open nailed wooden crates or pry apart boards. This tool helps with the amplification of force at a particular point.

Hand Planers shave down the edge of a door that sticks in its frame.

Mallet is a block with a handle typically used to drive chisels. Mallet is used to apply pressure with the help of chisels.

Chisel is a cutting tool with a sharpened edge at the end of a metal blade, used—often by driving with a mallet or hammer.

Farm Hand Tools

Here is a list of tools that you will require while farming

Digging Spade is a flat-bladed tool made of steel and slightly dished with a medium-length handle. It is used to dig holes in the soil and turn it over, such as when planting trees and large shrubs. An essential tool for gardening projects.

Border Spade is much like a digging spade but with a much smaller blade or head used for Lighter gardening jobs, including border work in tight spaces and loading soil into large pots.

Drainage Spade is used for digging drainage channels. Its long, narrow blade is also helpful in creating post holes.

Grafter is a narrow, flat-bladed spade with a very long, heavy handle. It is used for digging deep, narrow holes in combination with post-hole diggers.

Post Hole Digger is a twin-bladed spade with a scissor action and long handles for reach. It is used for digging post holes in tandem with the post-hole digging bar.

Manual Auger has a huge screw thread on a metal shaft turned via a long, T-shaped handle. It is used for making deep, circular holes in smooth, stone-free soil such as clay.

Post Hole Digging Bar is a heavy, solid-iron bar with a chisel-shaped iron head and a long handle.

Hoe is a hand-held tool used to shape the soil and harvest root crops.

Axe is a multipurpose tool used for splitting logs, falling trees, etc.

Grabhoe is used to break the topsoil and pulverize the soil.

Rake is used to clean and level the top layer of soil.

Pruning Scissor is used to cut off unnecessary branches.

Agriculture Hand Tools

Agricultural machinery and tools have been used to reduce manual labor, which has helped bring out efficient work and productivity.

Hand Sickle is a hand-held agricultural tool used for harvesting grain crops.

Shovel and spade are used for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal,

gravel, snow, sand, or ore.

Pickaxe is a hand tool used for landscaping, breaking up hard surfaces, and farming implements.

Hoe is a hand-held tool used to shape the soil and harvest root crops.

Axe is a multipurpose tool used for splitting logs or falling trees, etc.

Gardening Fork is used to loosen the soil to remain intact when carried somewhere to report.

Pruning Saw is used to trim the trees and unrequited shrubs.

Wheelbarrow is a single-handed carriage that keeps in store all the farm’s trash. This barrow has two/three balancing wheels.

The Land Mover is supposed to clean the entire farmland.

Seeder and fertilizers are the best equipment used to place the seeds into the soil for cultivation and cropping.

Machete is similar to an axe, like a long-bladed knife used as an agricultural implement.

The Watering Can is used by farmers for irrigation purposes. It is majorly used in small farms and gardens.

Masonry Hand Tools

These tools are required for dressing stones, handling mortar, and cutting bricks. Here is a list of tools one may require for masonry purposes.

Trowel is a tool made of steel with pointed ends, used for digging, smoothing, or moving particulate material.

Bricklaying Trowel is a flat triangular trowel used in bricklaying for cutting brick and spreading mortar or cement.

Brickwork Gauge Rod is used to straighten edges on which levels of different courses of bricks, including sills and lintels, are marked.

Straight edge is an extensor to mason’s level. It is used to copy a straight line or check the straightness of the lines drawn.

Double-end Comb Hammer removes surplus material after cutting bricks by the bolster for greater accuracy.

Frame Saw is used to cut stones or wood. It has a narrow blade held in a rectangular frame.

Lump Hammer is used for light demolition or breaking masonry.

Cross Cut Saw is used to cut hard stones.

Hand Saw is used to cut soft stones.

Drag is used to level a stone surface. It has blades toothed to provide even removal of surfaces.

Gad is a small, steel, wedge-shaped tool used to split the stone.

Wedges and Feathers are used to cut big stones into small sizes.

Jumper is a long drilling tool used to bore holes in a quarry.

Point is used to dress the hard stones.

Gauge is used to dress stones for spring, course, cornice, coping, etc. It is made of metal.

Pitching Tool is a hand-driven tool that turns large stones into manageable sizes.

Corner Trowel is used for shaping the corners of the wall. There are two Corner Trowel types: the inside corner trowel and the outside corner trowel.

Mason Square is an essential and fundamental masonry tool used to set right angles at the corner of the masonry wall.

The Plumb Rule is used to check the verticality of walls.

Spirit Level is a tool made with plastic or wood, designed to check the horizontality and verticality of the surfaces.

Water level transfers and checks water levels at two different points.

Boning Rods are used to set horizontal lines for leveling from two fixed points in surveying.

Spades are used to mix mortar and place cement, mortar, and concrete in the head pan.

Mortar Pan is a plastic or iron vessel used to hold sand, cement, and mortar.

Bevel is used to duplicate existing angles.

Pick Axe is used for rough dressing of stones and to split the stones in the quarry.

Crow Bar is employed for dressing the surface of stones.

Chisel is used for dressing or shaping wood, metals, or rocks.

Tooth Chisel is a chisel used for finishing purposes to clear away rough marks.

Spalling Hammer is a heavy hammer used for cutting, shaping, and rough dressing stones.

Dummy is a large-round-iron-headed tool used for carving stones.

Waller’s Hammer is used for removing spalls in stone masonry work.

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Written by Christian Mba

Bachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

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Christian MbaBachelor of Science specializing in Computer Science

Christian Mba is an experienced blogger and content writer with over a decade of experience. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Nigeria and has a keen interest in Python programming. Along with his writing and blogging expertise, he is also an SEO specialist with more than six years of experience. Chris, as he is commonly known, has a passion for music and enjoys playing the piano.

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