The Drever or Swedish Dachsbracke is a purebred dog developed for hunting deer and for other games in Sweden's early twentieth century. This dog breed is a descendant of the Westphalian Dachsbracke, a German hound known as Bracke.
Since terrain and herd locations made hunting deer challenging, hunters discovered the advantages of using this short-legged, long-bodied dog to herd deer over long distances and rugged terrain. They not only excel at herding deer towards their owners but can also be effective at hunting foxes and hares.
The Drever is more sturdy and robust with well-developed muscles and an elegant appearance, yet they are active, sweet, friendly, and affectionate.
These dog breeds make excellent family pets and do exceptionally well with older children due to their even temperament. In a contest in 1947, this Swedish breed got its name as a larger variety of these dogs was called Drever.
Are you interested in learning exciting facts about friendly Drevers? The below facts give you an insight into this Swedish breed. Do not miss out on our golden dox and Canis panther facts for more interesting content from us.
Drever Interesting Facts
What type of animal is a Drever?
A Drever is one of the popular hunting dog breeds from Sweden. They are scientifically called Canis lupus familiaris and are also called Swedish Dachsbracke.
This breed of dog is hardworking, loyal, friendly, active, and alert. The Westphalian Dahsbracke, a smaller variant of the German hound, was imported to Sweden in 1910, and Drever is a descendant of it. The Drevers were bred to hunt or chase deers back to their owners, and they excelled at this hunting job.
What class of animal does a Drever belong to?
Drevers belong to the class Mammalia. Like any other mammals, they give birth to young puppies, and the mother feeds milk to the young ones.
How many Drevers are there in the world?
There are no apparent records that prove the Drever dog breed population, and hence the exact count of this breed globally is unknown.
Where does a Drever live?
These even-tempered hunting dogs are found mainly in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Like any other dog breed, a Drever stays in houses along with humans. They are apartment-friendly dogs, highly adaptable and pretty active indoors, and won't mind living without a yard. However, a house with a backyard always helps them stretch and relax during exercise.
What is a Drever's habitat?
A Drever dog is ideal for apartment dwellers who want to stay busy indoors. Since the dog loves running in the yard, a home with a small to medium-sized fenced yard is perfect for its training and exercise needs.
These dog breeds tolerate warm and cold weather and adjust to all living environments. However, a cold climatic condition is best suited for this hound-like Drever.
Who do Drevers live with?
The Drever breed loves to live with humans. The Drever dog temperament, love, and affection make many owners describe these dog breeds' personalities as sweet and gentle.
Drevers can develop close bonds with a family and love to play with them; they are good with children and senior citizens and can easily adjust to other pets. This must be one of the many reasons it's consistently ranked among Sweden's top 20 popular breeds.
How long does a Drever live?
The Drever dog has a lifespan of 12-14 years on average. Daily exercise, outdoor walks, a balanced diet, and health monitoring can help the dog live longer.
How do they reproduce?
As with all dogs, female Drevers become pregnant after mating with the male. To be ready for breeding, the dog must meet the required age.
Male dogs typically reach reproductive maturity and capability at about seven months, just one month after female dogs reach this age. A vet should breed Drevers, and it is always advisable to provide extra care for the dog during pregnancy and raise the puppies properly.
What is their conservation status?
The conservation status of Drevers is Not Evaluated. These famous hunting dog breeds are good in number in Sweden, especially considering their hunting excellence.
However, selective solid breeding can rapidly deplete the genetic diversity of socioeconomically valuable animals, prompting increased concern about genetic diversity in domestic animal populations. Proper breeding and care of puppies can help conserve these dog breeds.
Drever Fun Facts
What do Drevers look like?
The Drever dog breed is a small-sized dog with long bodies and short straight legs. With their long back and short legs, the Drever can appear out of proportion, but this physique results in a powerful, muscular dog that's lighter than a hound.
The Swedish breed's ears seem to be dangling, and its long tail is bent downwards. Like many Scenthounds, it has a short, harsh coat and can be any color with white markings.
While color is not an essential feature of this breed, but white markings on the chest, neck, face and feet are required.
The coat may be any color or mixture of colors as long as these markings are present. A Drever and a hound have a similar head and face structure.
Are you still underestimating this dog's strength and stamina over their looks? No confusion; they are much more powerful than they seem to be.

How cute are they?
A Drever is an adorable dog breed with its small size, short legs, and colorful coat with white markings. Their owners are glued to this even-tempered dog's affection when around it. Their intelligent face with a good-sized nose makes Drevers even cuter.
How do they communicate?
A dog communicates non-verbally with its body language and vocalizations. Licking and sniffing, ear and tail alignment, eye gaze, facial expression, and body posture are various ways a dog communicates.
Dogs have a remarkable ability to interpret human body language. Many words have meaning for them, and they understand them much better when we say them in the right way. They enjoy cuddling with their owners and are likely to reciprocate with a few kisses in return for your affection.
How big is a Drever?
Drevers, popular dog breeds from Sweden, are solid and muscular with cute white markings. This small-medium-size dog is around 11-16 in (28-40 cm) in height, and its weight ranges from 30-35 lb (13.6-15.8 kg).
The Westphalian Dachsbracke is a little smaller compared to Drevers in height and weight.
Males are typically larger in size than females. While it is not the tallest of dogs, it is a powerful dog and has a long level back that gives it a low center of gravity and can comfortably move through deep snow.
How fast can a Drever run?
The speed at which a Drever can run is known to be 19 mph (30.5 kph). These hunting dogs are said to run rapidly and have almost unlimited stamina, despite not being the quickest of all dog breeds. Proper training and exercise help them run faster and further help hunt and chase small animals like deer.
How much does a Drever weigh?
The average weight of a Drever is said to be 33 lb (15 kg). This breed of dogs typically weighs between 30-35 lb (13.6-15.8 kg), and females are smaller than males.
What are their male and female names of the species?
The Drevers have no particular names for the male and female breed. As is the case with any dog, the male Drever is known as a dog, and the female is known as a bitch.
What would you call a baby Drever?
The baby of a Drever is called a puppy. The Drever breed usually has four to nine puppies per litter.
Puppies grow to their maximum size rapidly since this is a small breed, and hence feeding your puppy high-quality puppy food formulated for small or medium-sized puppies is essential.
Drever puppies need a healthy environment free of hazards, so eliminate anything that may damage your new puppy before taking them home. Since this breed is known for its stubbornness, you can begin training and socializing them as soon as you bring the puppy home.
What do they eat?
A Drever diet should be formulated with high-quality dog food for a small-medium-sized, high-energy breed. Sticking to a regular schedule is essential as this breed gets obese quickly.
The Drever's dietary requirements will change from a puppy to an adult dog and will continue to change into their senior years. Since there is much too much variety among individual dogs—including weight, energy, and health—to make a clear recommendation, you can ask your veterinarian for advice on your Drever's diet.
Are they slobbery?
A Drever dog is known for its low to average slobbery nature. It can, however, drool excessively for a variety of reasons, primarily due to health issues, excessive exercise, and chewing of toys, among others.
Slobber is a perfectly natural and required occurrence for your dog's well-being. This process assists in chewing, anticipating, and preparing the body for digestion. It's only a health concern when it is lacking or is excessive.
Would they make a good pet?
Although the Drever is known as a popular dog for hunting, they make a perfect pet. The temperament of this dog is suitable for family life.
Many owners characterize the breed's personality as sweet and cute. These dogs are alert, relaxed, polite, friendly, and can develop close bonds with family.
The Drever is known for the constant wag of its tail. The Drever would be known as the 'waggy tail' if this dog was named after its characteristics! When in people's company, this friendly dog's tail never stops wagging.
This breed can be stubborn at times, but it is never aggressive. So, do you think this dog of little height with the white paws and a white tip on that happy, waggy tail is the pet you want now?
Did you know...
Did you know that the Drever is a gifted smell hound, as well? It can track a scent trail like a pro and is easily distracted by smells.
Indeed, the scent-obsessed Drever needs a lot of mental stimulation. Use puzzle feeders or leave scent trails for your Drever to track, as well as engage in plenty of games and play.
Drevers are relatively simple to groom and keep in good shape and can be called a 'Brush and Go breed,' as they shed very little. They have a short, coarse hair coat that doesn't need to be brushed much. Bathing is occasionally needed when they get filthy.
Drevers can be stubborn and obstinate, which makes teaching them challenging. They can perform better under the guidance of an experienced teacher and when training begins at a young age. For your Drever to learn and respond to commands, you must be very consistent when training it.
The Drever is not crossbred as it is respected for what it is rather than being used as a hybrid dog's parent.
Having your own Drever
The Drever is a rare breed, and finding this breed-specific rescue organization can be difficult. You should always consult with your local shelter, and you may want to try a rescue that accepts dogs of all breeds. However, a Drever dog costs between $300-600 in price if bought.
Are Drever dogs hypoallergenic?
This breed has not been linked to any specific health issues and it is not considered hypoallergenic either. However, there are a few health risks you should be aware of to provide your dog with the best possible treatment.
Ear infections and obesity are the common health issues. Regular exercise and activity are also necessary for these dogs to avoid being overweight.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly animal facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other mammals including snorkie, or doxiepoo.
You can even occupy yourself at home by drawing one on our drever coloring pages.