Fun Argentinosaurus Facts For Kids

Moumita Dutta
Jan 19, 2023 By Moumita Dutta
Originally Published on Nov 17, 2021
Edited by Christina Harrison
Most data that is available on this creature

The Argentinosaurus huinculensis is a species of dinosaurs that was discovered in Argentina in 1987 by a man named Guillermo Heredia.

This dinosaur is among one of the best-known classes of dinosaurs because of its massive size. As of now, it still has not been revealed whether this dinosaur held its long neck in a vertical or horizontal position while moving or feeding itself.

There are assumptions that they kept their long neck in a horizontal position as the heart would not be able to properly function if these creatures extended their neck on a completely vertical scale.

The Argentinosaurus huinculensis is still a sort of mystery to paleontologists as a completely intact skeleton has yet not been discovered. Most data that is available on this creature is based on estimations and assumptions through the study of smaller fragmented bones and fossils that have been found as of now.

As more dinosaurs are found, the spot for the largest ever in existence is at a continuous uphill battle as some classes have been found that are supposedly larger even than the Argentinosaurus, for example, the Dreadnoughtus.

If you like these facts about the Argentinosaurus, be sure to check out facts about the Shunosaurus and the Paluxysaurus too!

Argentinosaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce Argentinosaurus?

The Argentinosaurus dinosaur was first discovered in the Neuquén province, Argentina. Argentinosaurus is pronounced AHR-gen-TEEN-uh-SAWR-us, which translates to Argentine lizard.

What type of dinosaur was an Argentinosaurus?

Paleontologists estimate that the Argentinosaurus with its massive size was one of the largest species of dinosaurs or animals in general to walk the Earth.

Based on fossil remains that include specimens of fragmentary vertebrae and several other bones, estimates are proposed that these dinosaurs were enormous members of the Sauropod class and were Theropods and were related to other large Sauropods from the Titanosaur class of dinosaurs.

In which geological period did the Argentinosaurus roam the Earth?

The exact geological period of this enormous herbivorous monster is uncertain and estimates have been made that these dinosaurs walked the planet during the late Cretaceous period 100-96 million years ago. The Argentinosaurus dinosaur is believed to share its complete natural history with that of another enormous carnivorous creature in the form of the Giganotosaurus.

These dinosaurs shared a natural habitat in modern-day Argentina in South America.

When did the Argentinosaurus become extinct?

According to research based on ever-growing skeleton fragments and other bone structures, paleontologists have made an assumption that these large Sauropods became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous period about 65 million years ago.

Where did the Argentinosaurus live?

According to data based on the skeleton and fossilized bones, it is determined that this massive herbivore dinosaur lived on the continent of South America, in Argentina, during the late Cretaceous period.

As there has been no instance of complete skeleton or bone findings, excluding femur fossils and ribs, most of the data provided on this Sauropod dinosaur are estimations made by paleontologists.

What was the Argentinosaurus' habitat?

This Sauropod dinosaur was assumed to live on land structures that were densely vegetated during the late Cretaceous period as it was a herbivore in nature.

This habitat, along with the natural history of these classes, was shared with other animals including some from the Titanosaur group along with other Sauropods that are related to the Argentinosaurus and some carnivorous dinosaur classes that preyed on the adult and juvenile Argentinosaurus on the continent of South America.

Who did the Argentinosaurus live with?

According to the discovery of bones and other fossils, it has been concluded that the Argentinosaurus lived in a small group or herd and roamed the land in search of large trees to feed off of. The adult kept juveniles nearby to protect them from other carnivorous dinosaurs, even going to great length to protect young ones.

Through more research on bones and fossils, it was discovered that the Mapusaurus dinosaur, another large member of the carnivorous group of dinosaurs, was the natural predator of the Argentinosaurus.

How long did an Argentinosaurus live?

According to research on the discovery of fossils of this dinosaur it is assumed that much like the other group of Sauropods and Titanosaur dinosaurs, the Argentinosaurus, one of the largest dinosaurs to walk the Earth, reached its full body length over a period of 40 years.

According to a size chart, there is sufficient data to confirm the fact that this tall dinosaur took its time to age and lived a minimum of 40 years.

How did they reproduce?

There is not enough data even through various pieces of discovery of these animals to put any sort of estimation of their reproductive pattern. As of result of this lack of data, facts about their sexual maturity, mating pattern, and gestation period cannot be stated.

However, there is enough data on the animal to put it in the egg-laying group of animals.

Argentinosaurus Fun Facts

What did the Argentinosaurus look like?

According to the Argentinosaurus skeleton fragment discovery, estimations have been made that this dinosaur was one of the largest ever to walk the Earth. It had a long neck that extended more than 29 feet in length, which had a small head at the end of the neck.

These animals had a long tail and the presence of muscular feet to support the body weight.

The weight of this dinosaur is its main talking point as it was in tons and as of now, only a few fossils and bone fragments have been discovered from a single individual.

The body length is considered to have been around 95-120 ft (28.9-36.5 m) long and the weight is estimated to have been around 154,323.5-242,508.4 lb (70,000-110,000 kg).

Lack of facts and data have put the length and weight of this giant dinosaur in an estimation category since there is no complete skeleton available as of yet.

How many bones did an Argentinosaurus have?

The exact bone count of this huge dinosaur is still not available and most of the research done has been based on several fragmented fossils that have been discovered in the form of broken ribs, huge back vertebrae, and a huge femur.

It is considered that the Argentinosaurus had solid bones in their feet to help them in carrying their weight, which in turn, made these creatures extremely slow and they had a low top speed compared to the speed of other Titanosaur and Sauropod species.

How did they communicate?

Not much is known about the communication method of the Argentinosaurus.

How big was the Argentinosaurus?

The Argentinosaurus is revered as one of the largest ever animals to have lived on the planet, and its body length is estimated as there is not enough evidence to put any sort of factual confirmation to the size.

It is assumed that these animals were super long and had a body length of 95-120 ft (28.9-36.5 m) and were 70 ft (21.4 m) tall!

The neck of this creature was extremely long as well and is considered to have been around 29 ft (8.8 m) long!

How fast could an Argentinosaurus move?

According to discovered evidence, this huge creature, due to its large size and structure, was an extremely slow mover and had a top speed of around 5 mph (8 kph)! The large feet of this dinosaur is assumed to have done a lot of collateral damage as it took the lives of plant and animal alike along its path.

How much did an Argentinosaurus weigh?

The Argentinosaurus weight comes under the heaviest mass of any known animal. Estimations have been made that put the body mass of this creature between 154,323.5-242,508.4 lb (70,000-110,000 kg).

What were male and female names of the species?

There are no specific names assigned to either the male or the female Argentinosaurus.

What would you call a baby Argentinosaurus?

A baby Argentinosaurus has no specific name and is called a baby, juvenile, or hatchling.

What did they eat?

According to Argentinosaurus facts obtained through various studies, these dinosaurs are considered to have been herbivores and had a diet that consisted of various plant species. The elongated neck helped these dinosaurs in reaching the highest point of plant and tree varieties.

How aggressive were they?

These creatures, even though they are considered to have been the largest creature to walk the planet, are assumed to have been docile in nature as they lived a slow life during the Jurassic to the Cretaceous period. They did fight back if they ever sensed any sort of threat approaching them in the form of carnivorous creatures.

Did you know...

There are estimations from paleontologists that the size of the egg of the Argentinosaurus was about the size of a beach ball.

Research has confirmed that the Argentinosaurus lived to at least 40 years of age.

Why was this dinosaur called the Argentinosaurus?

How many bones did an Argentinosaurus have?

The exact bone count of this huge dinosaur is still not available and most of the research done has been based on several fragmented fossils that have been discovered in the form of broken ribs, huge back vertebrae, and a huge femur.

It is considered that the Argentinosaurus had solid bones in their feet to help them in carrying their weight, which in turn, made these creatures extremely slow and they had a low top speed compared to the speed of other Titanosaur and Sauropod species.

How did they communicate?

Not much is known about the communication method of the Argentinosaurus.

How big was the Argentinosaurus?

The Argentinosaurus is revered as one of the largest ever animals to have lived on the planet, and its body length is estimated as there is not enough evidence to put any sort of factual confirmation to the size.

It is assumed that these animals were super long and had a body length of 95-120 ft (28.9-36.5 m) and were 70 ft (21.4 m) tall!

The neck of this creature was extremely long as well and is considered to have been around 29 ft (8.8 m) long!

How fast could an Argentinosaurus move?

According to discovered evidence, this huge creature, due to its large size and structure, was an extremely slow mover and had a top speed of around 5 mph (8 kph)! The large feet of this dinosaur is assumed to have done a lot of collateral damage as it took the lives of plant and animal alike along its path.

How much did an Argentinosaurus weigh?

The Argentinosaurus weight comes under the heaviest mass of any known animal. Estimations have been made that put the body mass of this creature between 154,323.5-242,508.4 lb (70,000-110,000 kg).

What were male and female names of the species?

There are no specific names assigned to either the male or the female Argentinosaurus.

What would you call a baby Argentinosaurus?

A baby Argentinosaurus has no specific name and is called a baby, juvenile, or hatchling.

What did they eat?

According to Argentinosaurus facts obtained through various studies, these dinosaurs are considered to have been herbivores and had a diet that consisted of various plant species. The elongated neck helped these dinosaurs in reaching the highest point of plant and tree varieties.

How aggressive were they?

These creatures, even though they are considered to have been the largest creature to walk the planet, are assumed to have been docile in nature as they lived a slow life during the Jurassic to the Cretaceous period. They did fight back if they ever sensed any sort of threat approaching them in the form of carnivorous creatures.

Did you know...

There are estimations from paleontologists that the size of the egg of the Argentinosaurus was about the size of a beach ball.

Research has confirmed that the Argentinosaurus lived to at least 40 years of age.

Why was this dinosaur called the Argentinosaurus?

The Argentinosaurus is called so because this creature was discovered in Argentina, South America. The name Argentinosaurus translates to Argentine lizard.

How many bones did an Argentinosaurus have?

The Argentinosaurus size is considered to be among the largest ever creatures to have lived on the planet and there have been various fossilized findings, excluding an intact Argentinosaurus skeleton, that points to these dinosaurs sporting some of the largest bones ever discovered.

It is assumed that they had a series of neck vertebrae that kept their long neck in place and the leg was supported by bones large in size.

If it is to be put at an exact number, everything we know about the Argentinosaurus is based on the findings of 13 bones, which consist of six midback vertebrae, one tibia, one rib piece, and five fragmentary hip vertebrae.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other creatures by reading our Haplocanthosaurus facts or Aetonyx facts for kids.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable family of four dinosaurs coloring pages.

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Written by Moumita Dutta

Bachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

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Moumita DuttaBachelor of Arts specializing in Journalism and Mass Communication, Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management

A content writer and editor with a passion for sports, Moumita has honed her skills in producing compelling match reports and stories about sporting heroes. She holds a degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management, Calcutta University, alongside a postgraduate diploma in Sports Management.

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