Fun Lukousaurus Facts For Kids

Fiza Talath
Nov 30, 2022 By Fiza Talath
Originally Published on Sep 15, 2021
Here are some Lukousaurus facts that will leave you stunned.

The Lukousaurus dinosaur inhabited Asia. This dinosaur's range was primarily found in thick forests and around water bodies.

These dinosaurs' remains were mostly found in Yunnan in China. The Lukousaurus was 6.6 ft (2 m) in length and 3.5 ft (1.1 m) in height, and based on this information, this species is almost nine times smaller than the average Huaxiaosaurus aigahtens. These dinosaurs are known to be quite aggressive in nature.

They had a temper that could be easily triggered at the sight of prey. They would aggressively chase their prey and gobble it down in no additional time. The Lukousaurus yini lived during the Early Jurassic period in the Hettangian-Sinemurian age.

This period lasted for a fairly long time. A Lukousaurus yini skeleton was discovered in regions of China,‭ ‬Yunnan Province‭, in the‭ ‬Lower Kufeng Formation.

For additional information about different dinosaurs, check out these Vulcanodon facts and Incisivosaurus facts for kids.

Lukousaurus Interesting Facts

How do you pronounce 'Lukousaurus'?

The name of this dinosaur, Lukousaurus yini, is pronounced 'lu-koo-sore-us' and it belonged to the Theropod family. The Lukousaurus yini lived during the Early Jurassic period in the Hettangian-Sinemurian age. This period lasted for a fairly long period of time. The Lukousaurus yini skeleton was discovered in regions of China,‭ ‬Yunnan Province,‭ in the ‬Lower Kufeng Formation.

What type of dinosaur was a Lukousaurus?

The Lukousaurus yini, which means 'Lukou Bridge', is a primitive reptile of the family of theropods from early Jurassic China. Its name is inspired by the Lukou Bridge in Beijing, the location where the Sino-Japanese War started. This dinosaur is known for its prominent features, especially its partial snout.

This partial snout possesses clear lacrimal horns. This dinosaur is believed to be a member of the Ceratosaurids. This animal could also be of the genus of a Crocodilian.

In which geological period did Lukousaurus roam the earth?

The Lukousaurus yini lived during the Early Jurassic period in the Hettangian-Sinemurian age. This period lasted for a fairly long period of time. The Lukousaurus yini skeleton was discovered in regions of China,‭ ‬Yunnan Province‭, in the‭ ‬Lower Kufeng Formation.

When did Lukousaurus become extinct?

The Lukousaurus yini lived during the early Jurassic period nearly a million years ago. Information regarding its exact point of extinction is not available yet.

Where did Lukousaurus live?

The Lukousaurus dinosaur inhabited Asia and this dinosaur's range was primarily found in thick forests around water bodies. These dinosaur's remains were mostly found in Yunnan in China.

What was the Lukousaurus' habitat?

These dinosaurs' remains were mostly found in Yunnan in China. The Lukousaurus dinosaur inhabited Asia and this dinosaur's range was primarily found in thick forests, around water bodies. They fed on either fellow young dinosaurs or young mammals, lizards, and insects. These dinosaurs were swift movers. They walked on their hind legs and were also great hunters.

Who did Lukousaurus live with?

There is no information available about the social life of these species. However, their gigantic fossils were found amongst additional fossils of a similar kind of dinosaurs with matching features, so it is safe to assume that they probably lived in groups of three or four during the Jurassic period.

It is well known that this species of dinosaur did not do well with other young dinosaurs. In fact, based on information gained from research, we can conclude they would hunt them down and feed on them.

How long did a Lukousaurus live?

There is no information currently available about the age or the lifespan of this dinosaur. The only information that is available to us is that they lived during the Early Jurassic period.

How did they reproduce?

The exact reproduction process of this species is not known to us, but this dinosaur was an egg-laying species. They laid an average of 10 eggs.

A new study has discovered over 70 species that were capable of nesting at very high altitudes and have listed the Lukousaurus as one of these potential species. This means that the species may have been capable of nesting at high altitudes.

Lukousaurus Fun Facts

What did Lukousaurus look like?

The Lukousaurus is an archosauromorph. This species displayed distinctive lachrymal horns. These dinosaurs belong to the same family as the Crocodilian which implies that they may have had similar features. This species is a very rare one which is why there is not much information available about it, based on the limited research that has been carried out.

*We've been unable to source an image of Lukousaurus and have used an image of Allosaurus instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Lukousaurus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

How many bones did a Lukousaurus have?

This species has the richest concentration of Allosaurus bones in the world. At least 46 individuals' bones ranging from juvenile to adult are represented by the 12,000 bones which have been uncovered.

How did they communicate?

The Lukousaurus may have used loud noises and visual forms of communication. The exact mode of communication that took place between these dinosaurs is not yet known to us, and nor is there any information that is available to us that may have helped us take a guess.

But it is assumed that they might have used their voices and body language.

How big was Lukousaurus?

The average Lukousaurus size was 6.6 ft (2 m) in length and 3.5 ft (1.1 m) tall. This species is almost nine times smaller than the size of an average Huaxiaosaurus aigahtens.

How fast could a Lukousaurus move?

Information pertaining to the speed of this animal is not known to us. But after looking into the shape and various features of this animal, it can be assumed that this dinosaur may have walked faster than some other species of its period.

How much did a Lukousaurus weigh?

The Lukousaurus weighed 265 lb (120.2 kg).

What were the male and female names of the species?

There are no specific names that are given to male or female dinosaurs of this species.

What would you call a baby Lukousaurus?

Dinosaurs are hatched from eggs, therefore new baby dinosaurs may be called hatchlings.

What did they eat?

The primary diet of these dinosaurs may have consisted of either fellow dinosaurs or lizards, insects, and early mammals.

How aggressive were they?

These dinosaurs are known to be quite aggressive in nature. They had a temper that could be easily triggered at the sight of prey. They would very aggressively chase their prey and gobble it down in no time.

Did you know...

This dinosaur is known from fragmentary remains, and the Lukousaurus was once thought to be a Coelurosaur, but it appears to be much larger than other Coelurosaurians of its species. It may even prove not to be a dinosaur at all.

Why are they called Lukousaurus?

These dinosaurs are called Lukousaurus because of the generic name which refers to the Lukou Bridge, near Beijing, where the Sino-Japanese War started.

Who discovered Lukousaurus?

This species was described and discovered by Chung Chien Young in 1940.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly dinosaur facts for everyone to discover! Learn more about some other dinosaurs from our Altispinax interesting facts and Eocarcharia facts for kids pages.

You can even occupy yourself at home by coloring in one of our free printable Lukousaurus coloring pages.

*We've been unable to source an image of Lukousaurus and have used an image of Allosaurus instead. If you are able to provide us with a royalty-free image of Lukousaurus, we would be happy to credit you. Please contact us at

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Written by Fiza Talath

Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance

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Fiza TalathBachelor of Commerce specializing in Accounting and Finance

As an assistant financial accountant, Fiza has developed a strong understanding of the business world. Her Bachelor of Commerce degree, specializing in Accounting and Finance from St Joseph's College of Commerce (Autonomous), enhances her ability to cover a wide range of topics, including finance, accounting, and business. Fiza's writing skills allow her to communicate complex concepts in a clear and engaging manner. She is also passionate about animal welfare, and enjoys writing on this subject as well.

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