55 Best Futurama Quotes From The Hilarious Animated TV Show

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Dec 12, 2023 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Feb 25, 2021
Edited by Luca Demetriou
Futurama title display in mobile phone

'Futurama' is an American science fiction animated adult sitcom produced by Matt Groening that aired from 28 March, 1999, to 10 August, 2003, on Fox and from 23 March, 2008, to 4 September, 2013, on Comedy Central.

The series follows the exploits of slacker Philip J. Fry, who has been frozen for 1000 years cryogenically and is resurrected in the 31st century. Throughout its run, 'Futurama' earned critical acclaim and was nominated for 17 Annie Awards, winning seven, and 12 Emmy Awards, winning six.

In essence, 'Futurama' is a workplace sitcom, the plot of which revolves around the interplanetary distribution company Planet Express and its workers, a small community that largely struggles to adapt to future society. 'Futurama' is set in New New York, in a time filled with technological wonders.

New York City was constructed over the ruins of present-day New York City, which has become a catacomb-like space called "Old New York" that serves as the sewer of New York.

'Futurama' is truly loved by many people and even now there are many people who religiously watch old reruns of the series.

The core trio of Fry, Leela, and Bender are generally featured in episodes, although occasional plots focus on the other characters like Dr. Zoidberg. The episodes 'The Problem with Popplers' and 'The Futurama Holiday Spectacular' was nominated for a Nebula Award and won Environmental Media Awards.

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Popular Quotes From Futurama

'Futurama' was named one of the top 60 best TV cartoons of all time in 2013 by TV Guide. Here are some popular 'Futurama' quotes and a quote from the producer himself that you will definitely like!

1. “I always say that 'Futurama' is real, and 'The Simpsons' is fiction.”

- Matt Groening.

2.  “Fry: Bender?! You stole the atom.

Bender: I can explain. It's very valuable.’

- 'Futurama'.

3. “Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh even harder.”

- Bender.

4. “By the way, I took the liberty of fertilizing your caviar.”

- Dr. John Zoidberg.

5.“In the game of chess you can never let your adversary see your pieces.”

- Zapp Brannigan.

6.“This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me!”

- Bender.

7. "Bite my shiny metal...!"

- Bender.

8. “At the risk of sounding negative, no.”

- Turanga Leela.

9. “Everyone, I have a very dramatic announcement. So anyone with a weak heart should leave now. Goodbye.”

- Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth.

10. “You can't keep boogieing like this. You'll come down with a fever of some sort.”

- Turanga Leela.

Futurama Catchphrases And Some Futurama One-Liners

The show has many official merchandises including a comic book collection, games, calendars, video games, clothes, toys, and figurines. Here are some catchphrases and one-liners you will surely enjoy!

11. “I will destroy you!”

- Morbo.

12. “Hi-yah!”

- Turanga Leela.

13. “I'm back, baby!”

- Bender.

14. “Leela…”

- Zapp Brannigan.

15. “What an honor!”

- Dr. John Zoidberg.

16. “That's preposterous!”

- Cubert J. Farnsworth.

17. “Let's knock this up a notch!”

- Elzar.

18. “Good news, everyone.”

- Professor Farnsworth.

19. “I'm walking on sunshine.”

- Philip J.Fry.

20. “I'll be whatever I wanna do.”

-Philip J. Fry.

Professor Farnsworth Quotes And Leela Quotes

We know that there are some great lines in the show. Here are some more lines from the famous TV series that you will definitely like!

21. “I hate these nerds! Just because I'm stupider than them they think they're smarter than me!”

- Professor Farnsworth.

22. “Professor Farnsworth: I never thought I'd live to see this tree again. Thank you for staying with me, Fry.

Fry: I'm not Fry, I'm his great-great-grandson, Fry.”

- 'Futurama'.

23. “Oh, I'm sorry, Bender. I hate to be the bearer of bad news.”

- Professor Farnsworth.

24. “I was born in prison and I'll die in prison.”

- Professor Farnsworth.

25. “I remember it like it was interesting.”

- Turanga Leela.

26. “This is it. The moment we should have trained for.”

- Turanga Leela.

27.“Society is never gonna make any progress until we all learn to pretend to like each other.”

- Turanga Leela.

28. “For a split second, my common sense was overwhelmed by pity.”

- Turanga Leela.

29. “Well, we lost to all our opponents. Even that team that turned out to be us in the mirror.”

- Turanga Leela.

30. “Zoidberg we were wrong! We're letting you out so you can kill the Professor.”

- Turanga Leela.

Funny Futurama Quotes That Cracks People Up

A funny quote is great for a quick laugh! Here are some hilarious quotes from the series and Bender quotes that make people laugh.

31. “I'm so embarrassed, I wish everybody else was dead!”

- Bender.

32. “Zoidberg: I'm Dr. Zoidberg I'm very important.”

Leela: Hey Zoidberg you forgot to empty this trash can!’

33. “Hey, hey! We can all fight when we're drunk.”

- Turanga Leela.

34. “I forgot to get a girlfriend again!”

- Philip J. Fry.

35. “Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV…sitting down with your kids…and hitting them?”

- Bender.

36. “Attention passengers please remain seated until the plane comes to a complete crash.”

- Philip J. Fry.

37. “This is my first visit to the Galaxy of Terror and I’d like it to be a pleasant one.”

- Turanga Leela.

38. “Also, good news everyone! We have a delivery to the robot homeworld!”

- Professor Farnsworth.

39. “Just shut up and take my money!”

- Philip J. Fry.

40. “You win again gravity.”

- Zapp Brannigan.

Philip J. Fry quotes and Amy Wong Quotes

Fry was a 25-year-old pizza delivery boy who woke up 1,000 years in the future with a chance to make a fresh start after accidentally freezing himself on 31 December, 1999. He went to work for the Planet Express Company after locating his relative. Here are some really good Fry quotes.

41. “Fry: Kill all modern humans!

Bender: Hey, this guy's alright!’

42. “So my sadness makes perfect sense. And I do have vague memories of people refusing to breed with me.”

- Philip J. Fry.

43. “Man, all the fun has been taken out of this once-noble Barfapalooza!”

- Philip J. Fry.

44. “I miss the old illiterate Bender.”

- Philip J. Fry

45. “You and I are enemies now!”

- Philip J. Fry

46. “This is why you never see a poor person with millions of dollars.”

- Amy Wong.

47. “I'm kind of a harpoon snob, and let me say, that thing is gorgeous.”

- Amy Wong.

48. “This is hard! Now I know why butterflies are always so grouchy!”

- Amy Wong.

49. “Well, there goes the neighborhood... There goes another neighborhood.”

- Amy Wong.

50. “And, Bender, your beer belly's so big your door won't even close. And that doesn't even make sense.”

- Amy Wong.

Futurama Love Quotes That Will Make You Miss Your Loved One

We all really want to find, get to know, and spend time with our loved ones. The love between Leela and Fry was really evident in the show. Here are some Leela and Fry love quotes that are really good!

51. “I love Leela, always and forever, and if I loved robot Leela too, well that's only cause she had so much of real Leela in her. I thought she loved me too, but obviously, I was wrong as usual.”

- Philip J. Fry.

52. “Leela: Fry, can we talk about our relationship?

Fry: Of course! Our relationship is the best thing in my life, so I'm sure I'll enjoy talking about it with you.”

- 'Futurama'.

53. “Fry: Poor Leela! I never even told her I loved her!

Bender: What? You told her like 140 times!”

- 'Futurama'.

54. “Then I am the most important person in the universe.”

- Philip J. Fry.

55. “Fry: Listen, Leela. I'm not sure what kind of life we can make together in this frozen timesicle, but if it's not too weird, will you still marry me?

Leela: I would marry you even if you weren't the last man on earth.”

- 'Futurama'.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for [article] then why not take a look at Cartman quotes or Homer Simpson quotes.

Main Image Editorial credit: Jimmy Tudeschi / Shutterstock.com


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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

Rajnandini Roychoudhury picture

Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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