Join us for a Thanksgiving feast like no other, as we celebrate one of the biggest dates in the holiday calendar with a table packed full of Thanksgiving jokes and humor.
In 1621 the pilgrims, who had departed England for the New World shared an autumn feast with the Native Americans, celebrating their first harvest in Plymouth, Massachusetts. This was widely seen as the first Thanksgiving celebration.
Fast forward to 1789 and then-president George Washington proclaimed that 26 November would become Thanksgiving day and a national holiday.
It's been celebrated ever since with turkey becoming a staple part of any Thanksgiving celebration. We have turkey, potatoes, stuffing, and all the trimmings here dished up in pun and joke form and designed to make all the family giggle.
We've got some quick one-liners, some genius pumpkin wordplay, and all the different courses in between. So don your har-vest, curl up with your favorite people and celebrate this special day with us.
Kidadl isn't just about corny Thanksgiving jokes though, once you've finished here be sure to check out some of our other hilarious content. Check out these ho-ho-hilarious Christmas puns and jokes for kids and sticking with the winter theme we have winter jokes that are brrr-illiant.
Laugh long, and laugh loud, because what would life be without a cheesy joke or two?
Knock Knock Jokes About Thanksgiving
Knock, knock! There's someone at the door, and he's delivering some classic Thanksgiving knock knock jokes just for you.
1. Knock knock.
Who's there?
Wanda who?
Wanda be the turkey in the play?
2. Knock knock.
Who's there?
Possum who?
Possum gravy on my potatoes.
3. Knock knock.
Who's there?
Annie who?
Annie-body seen the turkey?
4. Knock knock.
Who's there?
Gladys who?
Gladys Thanksgiving, I bet you are too.
5. Knock knock.
Who's there?
Arthur who?
Arthur any leftovers, I'm starving.
Turkey Jokes And Turkey Puns For Thanksgiving
No Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without a delicious turkey, so eat, drink, and be merry as you enjoy these hilarious turkey jokes and puns about Thanksgiving, and if you haven't had dinner yet, you'll soon be craving a meat feast. There is no need to go cold turkey on Thanksgiving puns this year!
6. I feel like the turkey tonight because I'm really stuffed.
7. Do you know what kind of key can't open any doors? It's a tur-key.
8. What song does the cook love to sing while preparing Thanksgiving turkey? All About That Baste.
9. Have you heard what Thanksgiving and Halloween have in common? They've both got Gobble-ins.
10. What animal is never hungry at Thanksgiving? The turkey, because he's already stuffed.
11. What would happen if you crossed a Thanksgiving turkey with a ghost? You'd get spooked by a poultry-geist.
12. Did you hear the joke about the turkey that crossed the road twice? He had to do it to prove he wasn't chicken.
13. Why did the police arrest a flock of turkeys before Thanksgiving? They were suspected of some fowl play.
14. If the turkey ends up a bit dry, what do you call the gravy? The gift that keeps on Thanks-giving.
15. What do pampered turkeys drink out of? Their own gobble-lets.
16. Never have a Thanksgiving dinner with four percussionists, there would always be a fight over who got the drumsticks.
17. There's a lot of people coming over for Thanksgiving dinner this year, you've really got your turk cut out for you.
18. If Carly Rae Jepsen was going to voice the turkey in a Thanksgiving TV ad, what would she sing? Hey I just met you, and this is gravy, but here's my stuffing, so carve me maybe.
19. Why can't you take a turkey to Church? They might use fowl language.
20. I should really stop telling Thanksgiving jokes, but it's hard to go cold turkey.
Thanksgiving Dinner Jokes About Side Dishes, Gravy And More

The turkey may be the main attraction on any heaving Thanksgiving table, but there are lots of other treats to enjoy, just don't forget the gravy as you scroll through these Thanksgiving jokes and puns. Eat, drink and cranberry as you enjoy these Thanksgiving puns!
21. Why was the Thanksgiving soup so expensive? Because it had 24 carrots.
22. I'll mac you smile with my cheesy puns.
23. You mac me so happy.
24. Pasta and cheese brie-long together.
25. You should have some macaroni cheese as a quick snack, it will 'pasta the time' until dinner.
26. I was going to tell a Thanksgiving joke about macaroni but decided it was a bit cheesy.
27. Why did the potatoes always cause arguments with the gravy? They were agi-taters.
28. What does the Hulk say if someone tries to eat all the potatoes? Hulk s-mash.
29. We all went to the theatre to see a play before Thanksgiving, it was called Much A-do About Stuffing.
30. Stuffing else matters apart from having all the family together at Thanksgiving.
31. More stuffing, you bread my mind.
32. Why was the cranberry embarrassed? It saw the turkey dressing.
33. Why are the cranberries always wet? Because they've been ocean sprayed.
34. What's the best dessert to serve after Thanksgiving turkey? How about some cranberry gobbler.
35. Did you hear about the Thanksgiving celebration where everyone turned up wearing red stockings? They thought they were supposed to bring cranberry socks.
36. Can we cook Thanksgiving dinner, dessert, and all the sauces? Yes we cran.
37. At this time of year, we just have to eat, drink, and cranberry.
38. How did the gravy escape the Thanksgiving feast? It hailed a taxi cob.
39. I have a funny joke to tell you about a comedian who drunk a jug of gravy at his show. He was a laughing stock.
40. Did you hear about the dog that liked his Thanksgiving dinner? He was gravy trained!
41. And finally, what smells the best at Thanksgiving dinner? Your nose.
Pumpkin Pie Jokes And Puns
Still got room for dessert? Make sure you gourd yourself on pumpkin pie, these Thanksgiving jokes are sure to have you coming back for seconds.
42. What happens when you eat too much pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving? You get autumn-y ache.
43. Pumpkin pie is one of my absolute favorites, it's gourd-geous.
44. Do you know what you get if you divide the circumference of a pumpkin by its diameter? You get pumpkin pi.
45. What do pumpkins always say to each other after Thanksgiving feasts? Good-pie everyone.
46. I think mum overdid it on the dessert this year, we ended up with a lot of plump-kin pies.
47. Dessert time, let's give them pumpkin to talk about.
Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of great family-friendly jokes, puns, and riddles for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for Thanksgiving puns and jokes, then why not take a look at these snazzy snowman jokes for kids or for something different take a look at these 41 Boat Puns That Will Float Your Boat.