60 Doctor Who Names For Your Baby

Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Feb 16, 2024 By Rajnandini Roychoudhury
Originally Published on Oct 21, 2020
Edited by Harriet Sambrook
Little doctor baby boy

'Doctor Who'is a British science-fiction television program produced by BBC.

The program follows the adventures of a Time Lord called 'the Doctor,' an extra-terrestrial who appears to be human. He explores the universe in a TARDIS,  a time-traveling space ship and regenerates into 13 different people.

Being an extra terrestrial and shape shifter traveling through space and time, the protagonist goes by the alias 'The Doctor' and has no name.

There have been 13 Doctors to date played some of the finest actors: William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, John Hurt, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi and Jodie Whittaker.

For more other worldly naming inspiration, take a look at these magical boy names or magical girl names.

Popular Girls' Names From Doctor Who

Here is a list of the most inspiring female characters from 'Doctor Who'.

1. Amelia (English origin) meaning "work" is Amy Pond, a companion of the eleventh Doctor.

2. English (Old English origin) meaning "foreign" is Barbara Wright,  the companion of the first Doctor.

3. Clara (Latin origin) meaning "clear" is Clara Oswald, a woman with multiple lives.

4. Donna (Italian origin) meaning "lady" is Donna Noble, the companion of the 10th Doctor.

5. Erisa (Japanese origin) meaning "painting" is Captain Erisa Magambo, a UNIT officer.

6. Evelina (Old Saxon origin) meaning "strength"; a seer in Pompeii who was turned to stone.

7. Jane (English origin) meaning "Yahweh is gracious" is Sarah Jane Smith, the companion of the third and fourth Doctors.

8. Jennifer (Welsh origin) meaning "white fairy". Jenny Flint, a member of the Paternoster Gang.

9. Katarina (Greek origin) meaning "pure". Companion of the first Doctor.

10. Leela (Sanskrit origin) meaning "play". Companion of the fourth Doctor.

11. Lilith (Jewish origin) meaning "night monster"is a Karrionite daughter.

12. Liz (Hebrew origin) meaning "God is an oath". Liz Shaw helped the third Doctor.

13. Maisie  (Hebrew origin) meaning "pearl". Actress Maisie Williams plays Ashildr.

14. Martha (Latin origin) meaning "lady". Martha Jones, a companion of the 10th Doctor.

15. Melanie (Greek origin) meaning "dark". Melanie Brush traveled with the sixth and seventh Doctors.

16. Melody (Greek origin) meaning "song" is Melody Pond, the daughter of Amy Pond and Rory Williams.

17. Idris (Welsh origin) meaning "interpreter". A female avatar to house the soul of the Tardis and called 'The Doctor's Wife'.

18. Nyssa (Greek origin) meaning "goal", a companion of the fourth and fifth Doctors.

19. Patricia (Latin origin) meaning "noble". Martha's sister nicknamed, Tish.

20. Peri (Persian origin) meaning "fairy". Peri Brown traveled with the fifth and sixth Doctors.

21. Petronella (Latin origin) meaning "rock". Petronella Osgood, a UNIT scientist.

22. Polly (Norman origin) meaning "agreeable"; Polly Wright, a companion of the first and second Doctors.

23. Rani (Sanskrit origin) meaning "queen" is a Time Lady and scientist.

24. Romana (Roman origin) meaning "Roman"; a Lord of Time from the planet, Gallifrey.

25. Rose (German origin) meaning "fame" is the name of Rose Tyler.

26. Sarah (Hebrew origin) meaning "lady". Sarah Jane Smith, a journalist.

27. Susan (Persian origin) meaning "lily". Susan Foreman is a companion and granddaughter of the first Doctor.

28. Sylvia (Latin origin) meaning "spirit of the wood" is Donna's mother.

29. Verity (Latin origin) meaning "truth" is Joan's great-granddaughter.

30. Victoriam (Greek origin) meaning "victory"; a companion of the first Doctor.

31. Zoe (Greek origin) meaning "life". Zoe Heriot, a companion of the second Doctor.

Unique Boys' Names From Doctor Who

Here's a list of unusual male baby names from 'Doctor Who'.

32. Adric (English origin) meaning "blessed ruler"; the companion of the fourth and fifth Doctors.

33. Alistair (Scottish origin) meaning "to defend". Brigadier Alistair, a companion of many of the Doctors.

34. Benjamin (Hebrew origin) meaning "son of the south". Ben Jackson was the companion of the first and second Doctors.

35. Gallifrey (Anglo-Saxon origin) meaning "foreign peace". The Doctor from planet Gallifrey.

36. Gordon (Scottish  origin) meaning "spacious fort". The Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart.

37. Grant (English origin) meaning "great". A civilian who assists the third Doctor.

38. Harold (Old English origin) meaning "army leader". Harry Sullivan accompanied the fourth Doctor.

39. Ian (Scottish origin) meaning "Yahweh is gracious"; Ian Chesterton, a companion of the first Doctor.

40. Jack (Middle English origin) meaning "supplanter" is the time traveler, Captain Jack Harkness.

41. Michael (Hebrew origin) meaning "who is like God?"; Mike Yates helped the third Doctor in 'Terror of the Autons'.

42. Mickey (American origin) meaning "who is like God?"; Mickey Smith is the companion of the ninth and tenth Doctors.

43. Nardole (Nordahl origin) meaning "north valley"; a companion of the 12th Doctor.

44. Rassilon (English origin) referring to the "president of Gallifrey", the first High President of the Time Lord Society on Gallifrey.

45. Rory (Goidelic origin) meaning "red-haired king" isRory Williams, Amy's friend and fiancé.

46. Stewart (Old English origin) meaning "house guard"; the character, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge- Stewart.

47. Tyler (English origin) meaning "builder"; the character Rose Tyler.

48. Vislor (Albanian origin) meaning "firefly", companion of the fifth Doctor.

49. Wright (Old English origin) meaning "craftsman"; Barbara Wright, companion of the first Doctor.

Unisex Doctor Who Names

Here's a list of gender neutral baby names from 'Doctor Who'.

50. Ace (Latin origin) meaning "highest rank" is a companion who traveled with the seventh Doctor.

51. Ashildr (Old Norse origin) meaning "battle god" is a popular character.

52. Bill (English origin) meaning "will-helmet" is Bill Potts, a companion of the 12th Doctor.

53. Borusa (Romanian origin) meaning "to fight". The Doctor's former teacher.

54. Grace (Latin origin) meaning "beauty", the companion of the eighth Doctor.

55. Ianto (Welsh origin) meaning "gift of God". Part of the Torchwood team.

56. Jamie (Hebrew origin) meaning "supplanter". Jamie McCrimmon, the companion of the second Doctor.

57. Jo (French origin) meaning "may Jehovah add". A civilian, Jo Grant, who assists the third Doctor.

58. Pond (Southern English origin) meaning "enclosed expanse of water". The Doctor's nickname for Amy and Rory.

59. River (English origin) meaning "body of flowing water". A time traveler, River Song, a companion of the 11th Doctor.

60. Tardis (Fictional origin) meaning "time and relative dimension in space". A fictional time machine and spacecraft.

Kidadl has more articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for 'Doctor Who' names, check out these sibling names in sets, or these mermaid names.

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Written by Rajnandini Roychoudhury

Bachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

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Rajnandini RoychoudhuryBachelor of Arts specializing in English, Master of Arts specializing in English

With a Master of Arts in English, Rajnandini has pursued her passion for the arts and has become an experienced content writer. She has worked with companies such as Writer's Zone and has had her writing skills recognized by publications such as The Telegraph. Rajnandini is also trilingual and enjoys various hobbies such as music, movies, travel, philanthropy, writing her blog, and reading classic British literature. 

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