Goats may seem like innocent animals but they have been part of human myth and legends for a long time.
Apart from their domestic uses, goats are the spiritual symbols in countless witchcraft practices. Even if a goat seems to be from humble origins, goats are fascinating creatures nonetheless.
There are many generic names for goats. A mama goat is called a doe. A small goat is called a kid. There are a plethora of goat names to choose from for your farm animals. This list has the top pet goat names for you.
For more animal names, take a look at Monkey Names and Chicken Names.
Male Goat Names For Boys

(Goat names can be both adorable and funny.)
Here's a list of quirky names for male goats:
1. Asriel (Hebrew origin) meaning "prince of God"; a handsome goats name.
2. Baphomet (Latin origin) meaning "sabbatic goat"; a deity worshipped by the Knights Templar. A serious-sounding goat name.
3. Dumbledore (Dialectical origin) meaning "bumblebee"; a fictional name for a cute goat.
4. Butt-Head (English origin) meaning "stupid"; one of the punny goat names.
5. Billy (English origin) meaning "resolute protection" is a goat from 'Billy the Kid'. A great baby goat name because baby goats are called "kids". Billy Goat is the name of a male goat as well and could be great for your new goat.
6. Gandalf (Norse origin) meaning "staff-elf"; a fitting goat name for a white goat.
7. Gompers (Dutch origin) meaning "battle famous"; a fictional goat from 'Gravity Falls'.
8. Grover (English origin) meaning"lives near a grove"; a satyr from 'Percy Jackson & The Olympians'.
9. Gruff (English origin) meaning "rough tempered"; from 'Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
10. Jeb (Hebrew origin) meaning "friend of God"; from 'Home on the Range'.
11. Lambert (English origin) meaning "bright land"; a sheep from Disney.
12. Lucifer (Latin origin) meaning "light-bringing"; a biblical name for a pet goat.
13. Mephistopheles (Greek origin) meaning "not-light-loving"; a demonic name for a pet goat.
14. Philoctetes (Greek origin) meaning "Killed Paris"; from 'Hercules'.
15. Ramsey (Scottish origin) meaning "The Island Of Garlic"; one of the punny and funny goat names.
16. Scapegoat (Hebrew origin) meaning "someone who is blamed for other people's faults"; one of the funniest names of goats.
17. Tumnus (Latin origin) meaning "us, then and now"; a fawn from 'The Chronicles of Narnia'.
18. Vincent van Goat - a punny name derived from the painter Vincent Van Gogh.
Female Goat Names

Here is a list of great names for female goats.
19. Bar-baaa-ra (Greek origin) meaning "strange"; a funny name with a goat-like twist.
20. Bo Peep (Swedish origin) meaning "to live"; a famous shepherd from nursery rhymes.
21. Cinnamon (Arabic origin) meaning "fragrant spice plant"; one of the cute goat names for a brown goat.
22. Daisy (English origin) meaning "day's eye"; a pretty name for a female white goat.
23. Doe (English origin) meaning "female goat or deer"; all mother goats are called "does".
24. Nanny (Hebrew origin) meaning "grace"; all girl goats are called "nanny goats".
25. Peaches (English origin) meaning "Persian Apple"; a cute name for a baby goat.
26. Pleasant (English origin) meaning "pleasing"; Goat Pleasant from 'Goat and Big Big Wolf'.
27. Selena Goatmez - a funny name for a goat of a Selena Gomez fan.
Gender Neutral Goat Names
A list of the choicest gender-neutral goat names.
28. Butter (English origin) meaning "fatty part of milk"; a fitting goat name.
29. Buttinsky (English origin) meaning "meddler"; a funny goat name.
30. Clueless (English origin) meaning "ignorant"; Morgan Muppet from 'Treasure Island'.
31. Djali (Arabic origin) meaning "free"; from 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame'.
32. Faun (Roman origin) meaning "half human and half goat"; a mythological goat creature.
33. Goatzart (German origin) meaning "marsh"; great name for a musically sound goat.
34. Goatzilla (Japanese origin) meaning "a cross between a gorilla and a whale"; a funny goat name.
35. Lupe (Spanish origin) meaning"from the river of the wolf"; from 'Ferdinand'.
36. Milk (English origin) meaning "mammary gland fluid"; a literal goat name.
37. Pan (Greek origin) meaning "god of nature"; a Roman god who looked like a goat.
38. Satyr (Greek origin) meaning "half human and half goat"; Greek version of a faun.
39. Soothsayer (English origin) meaning "speaker the truth"; from 'Kung Fu Panda'.
40. Wooly (English origin) meaning "covered with wool"; a Disney name.
Kidadl has lots of great names articles to inspire you. If you liked our suggestions for Goat Names then why not take a look at Pet Rock Names, or for something different take a look at Scottish Names.